Sunday 29 November 2015

255. OS 13. Laad Governor and Afghan Jalebi (Part 24-25)

Link to my new short story: Taking Care of You

“I thought I was dreaming when I first saw you," he said.

 “How did you know it was me?” she asked. “I could have been anybody. A thief even.”

He smiled wearily. “I don’t know many thieves who would look at me with anxious eyes and then cry because I was sick,” he mumbled.

Is it possible for love to bloom, sight unseen? Juhi and Abhay are strangers who know each other better than they know themselves. One night changes the equation and the even tenor of their lives and puts all their doubts and fears to rest.

Link to my first e-novel; A Home for Meenakshi

"I love the way you love, Meenu," he whispered, his eyes on hers. "Such loyalty, such passion..."

Meenakshi Sharma, an orphan, lives in Varanasi with her uncle, a chronic bachelor who wants her to become a professional musician. She unwillingly relocates to Delhi to study under a renowned musician for eight months. Staying for rent in the outhouse of the Agrawals, she meets Aditya Agrawal, an attractive young man brooding over the memories of his horrendous past. Pulled between her uncle's expectations of her and Aditya's love for her, Meenakshi struggles with her feelings. How can she disappoint her uncle who had devoted his entire life to her upbringing? How can she pretend to be blind to Aditya's feelings for her? A romance that moves between the alleys of the holy city of Varanasi and the modern city of Delhi.

A blog for my VMs:

Dedicated to Supriya Sahasrabuddhe (Sups/ aniyathi). She wanted Mami and Payal to plot to bring A-K together. So here goes,

Part 24

He slept while she was massaging his neck and temple.

Khushi tiptoed away, making her way down.

“Khushiji, how is Chotey?” Anjali asked.

“Asleep, di. Shall I get the photo out of the storeroom?” she asked.

“I will help you,” Anjali said, limping to join her.

In the storeroom, Khushi and Anjali looked through a hundred discarded items—old lamps, notebooks, old clothes, broken furniture....

“Why is the photo kept here, di?” Khushi asked.

Anjali smiled uneasily. “Khushi bhabi, why don’t you check in that cabinet?”

Khushi opened the cabinet and her eyes fell on a framed photo of two people she had never seen before. She took it and held it towards Anjali. “Is this the one?”

“Yes,” Anjali replied, smiling in relief.

Khushi handed it to her.

“I will get it cleaned,” Anjali said as she left.

Khushi made to shut the cabinet when her eyes fell on an album. She took it out and opened it.

A sombre looking young Arnav Singh Raizada looked back at her. Dressed in a kurta, he was staring at the camera as if all the burdens in the world were heaped on his shoulders.

Khushi felt a smile tease her lips.

The next was a photo of an old haveli, a huge mansion on acres of land. Khushi frowned. She had seen it somewhere. Was it in Delhi or Lucknow?

She saw a photo of his parents, another of an old lady with a teenage girl and a cross Arnav Singh Raizada, sitting as though someone had stuck a stick in the place of his backbone.

Must be his dadi, she thought. His nani was here, alive and well. And the girl was di.

“Khushi,” Payal called. “What are you doing among the rubbish?”

“Nothing, jiji,” she replied. She took the album with her as she left the storeroom.


“Arnavji,” she called softly.

He slept.

Khushi slowly touched his shoulder and tugged. “Arnavji.”

His eyes opened. “Khushi?” He blinked in the dim light.

“Have some soup. You have to take your medicine,” she told him softly.

“Yes,” he mumbled.

She placed the tray before him on the table and went to get his pill.

After giving him dinner, she prompted him to go to bed and covered him with his blanket.

“Lie down with me, Khushi,” he whispered.

“Ji,” she said softly. “Let me take the tray down.”

He lay waiting till she returned.

But as she returned after changing into a simple pink suit, he sat up. “The photo,” he mumbled. “I have to get it.”

“Di and I found it in the storeroom,” Khushi reassured him. “She has taken it for cleaning.”

He sagged in relief.

“Aap let jaayiye, go to sleep,” Khushi said, coaxing him to lie down, her hands on his shoulders.

They fell asleep, Khushi taking care not to touch him for fear of causing him discomfort.


Around midnight, Khushi woke up.

Something was pricking her. In irritation, she sat up and dug through the covers to find a black, ugly clip she used to hold back her bangs.

With a grunt, she leaned forward to keep it on the bedside table.
She sensed movement beside her and turned around.

Arnav was moving his head restlessly against the pillow.

Khushi stared at him in panic. Was his headache worse? Was the pain worse? Should she call nani and the others? She made to leave the bed.

He murmured, “Mama.”

Khushi stilled.

“No, mama, please, no,” he muttered as his head thrashed against the pillow and his limbs fought against the cover. He was sweating profusely.

“No, mama, no,” he pleaded.

Khushi jumped out of bed, ran to his side, caught his shoulder and shook as hard as she could. “Arnavji, wake up. It is just a nightmare.”

His eyes flew open. He stared unseeingly at her.

“Mama?” he groaned.

“Khushi,” she replied. “You were having a nightmare.”

He blinked at her. Then he sat up, looking around him.

Khushi quickly poured him a glass of water and held it to his lips.

He sipped slowly.

When he was done, she returned the glass to the tray.

His head was buried in his hands.

Khushi wanted to ask him what was wrong, but felt she had no right to intrude. She turned to leave, but stopped.

He had caught her hand.

Khushi turned to look at him.


That soft, needy cry touched her heart.

She took a step closer to him.

He threw his arms around her waist and buried his face against her bosom.

Khushi stood astounded for a moment. Then her arms went around his shoulders.

They stayed in that position for long. If she felt his hot tears wet her chest, she said nothing.

Then he mumbled, “My parents killed themselves.”

Khushi almost fell down in shock.

“Papa—Papa and mama fought. I heard them. It was di’s wedding. The shehnai was very loud. She was sitting, all decked up, her friends and family all around her...” his voice trailed away.

Khushi frowned. Di’s wedding day? Why would her parents fight and kill themselves on such an important day in their lives?

“I saw mama running. Then—I heard the shot above the sound of the shehnai. I ran to the study. She—she was lying there in a pool of blood. Papa’s hunting rifle was lying by her,” he recounted, his face buried in her bosom.

Her arms tightened around his shoulders.

“Two hours later, papa shot himself dead.”

Khushi tried to swallow her tears. “Why?” she asked. She couldn’t make any sense of this senseless violence.

He sighed, his hot breath singeing the sensitive skin of her chest.

“Papa was having an affair,” he confessed.

Khushi’s eyes flew wide open in horror.

“Mama found out,” he murmured. “I heard them. Mama had seen him with her that evening in our house.”

Her mouth fell open. It seemed the height of stupidity for a man to invite his paramour to his home on the day of his daughter’s wedding when his wife was in attendance.

But what did she, Khushi Kumari Gupta know?

What she knew of love and romance could be written on the head of a pin and space could be still  be found to write a Salman Khanji movie script on it.

“Mama was asking him about it, saying that she had seen him with her that evening. He was trying to protest his innocence. She asked him if he had ever loved her, his wife,” Arnav confessed.

Khushi swallowed hard.

‘So chasing women is a family trait?’ she thought, her chest aching. ‘Laad Governor has inherited it from his father? Khushi, tum to gayi kaam se. Your fate will soon be that of his mother, your saasumma.’

She saw Lavanya clinging to him, Lisa hugging him.

Her arms fell away from Arnav.

He moved back a couple of inches.

“I used to have nightmares every night for years after they died,” he muttered.

Khushi nodded, trying hard to find sympathy for him in her heart that was filled with anguish and fear.

“Then their frequency decreased, but there was no warning when they would strike. Sleep became a luxury. Relaxing enough to rest became an impossibility,” he explained. “Some nights I would have terrible dreams more than once. Working was the only way I could get through the nights.”

“Aap—aap so jaayiye,” she said, her voice feeble. Now it was her turn to have nightmares.


Anjali placed her parents’ photo on a pedestal and Arnav garlanded it. The priest settled down to do the pooja.

Nani, mami, and Payal sat down, all dressed in white sarees. Akash and NK sat near them. Anjali sat facing the photo.

“Chotey,” she called softly.

Arnav, dressed in a white kurta pyjama, settled down by her.

Khushi quietly moved away to join her jiji, but Arnav called, “Khushi.”

She turned her head to look at him.

He held out his hand.

Khushi had no choice but to walk to him.

“Sit by me,” he requested.

Khushi, to her dismay, found herself seated between Anjali and Arnav.

The priest began the prayers.

Khushi fisted the skirt of her white anarkali, trying to keep her thoughts pure and non-violent. Her eyes fell on the photo of his parents and all her good resolutions burned in a bonfire.

She scowled at his dead father.

‘Philanderer, immoral man. If you wanted to chase women, why did you get married? You could have run after every woman on earth and no one would have been hurt if you had been a bachelor!’ she raged. ‘Why did you have to drive that poor woman to her death and give nightmares and tears to your children?’

She thought of a bullet passing through her own head and flinched.

Arnav turned to look at her with sombre, worried eyes.
‘Kya hua?’ his eyes asked.

She shrugged. How could she tell him that she had just seen her own gory end?

The garland slipped from the photo.

Arnav leaned forward to hang it right.

Khushi sighed, her eyes on her saasumma’s photo. ‘Your husband was a scoundrel, a rogue and your son is no better. Soon it will be me in your photo, but with a difference. You killed yourself and then your husband killed himself. In my case, I will shoot your son first and then myself. Otherwise there is no guarantee that he will kill himself after I die. I can’t take the chance. He will most likely dance on Second-hand Jawani at my funeral with his Lavanya and Lisa on either side of him.”

Tears filled Anjali’s eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

Khushi passed her a box of tissues.

‘Poor di. She will have to cry at my funeral too, our funeral. Mine and her brother’s.’ She frowned suddenly. ‘Why should I die? Why should I kill my Laad Governor? That Lavanya was hanging on him. That Lisa was hugging him. He was not hugging them. I will kill them,’ she decided, nodding, pleased that she had found an easy solution to her problem. ‘If I kill one girl, it will send the right message to all the girls in Delhi. Don’t look at Khushi Kumari Gupta’s husband. Don’t touch my husband. Don’t even dare to dream of my Laad Governor. Yes, that’s the way. I won’t have any problems after the first murder.’

 Khushi looked at her saasumma with pity. ‘You should have done the same. You had rifles in your house. You could have done this easily. My situation is slightly more difficult, saasumma. I have to find a gun.’

She looked at Arnav with doubtful eyes. ‘Can I ask him for a gun?’ she thought. 'No. He will ask me why I want it. Phir hum kya kahenge?'

Her glad eyes fell on Nanheji. ‘Yes, Nanheji will help me buy one without asking awkward questions.’

Poor NK, unaware of her plan for him, sat playing with the plate of flowers before him.

Rash's interpretation:

Part 24

A question is not just there to be answered. It is also there to answer...

What is more deadly? The gun or the thought?… The occurrence of the event or the nightmare, the impact of it?... A gun gives you the opportunity, but a thought pulls the trigger... The occurrence just takes a second to happen but the impact of it is long lasting! Though Arnav and Anjali's parents used the gun with just a thought that occurred in their mind, that very thought left a deep impact on so many lives... It had a lasting effect...

The impact on Anjali is such that she clams up when the topic of her parents arise... Arnav who has gone into a shell at the mention of Barsi is more forthcoming towards Khushi and narrates the circumstances... But he is still hounded by the nightmares...and is haunted by it... When he slept it crept into his thoughts like a bad debt, he couldn't pay...It left him is seen by the way he has clung to Khushi...

It not only changed their children but it also made their daughter-in-law think in a moment of weakness, that she too would have the same ending... She sees her husband stepping on the very stones his father had tread...  But Khushi is made of sterner stuff... She knows she can turn tides around if she wants to... Though her thoughts had rushed on like a runaway train she could rein them in... If you realize how powerful your thoughts are... You would never think a negative thought again....  To the question of your life you are the answer and to the problems of your life you are the solution... Her contention that since she is the legally wedded wife, it is they, his paramours, who need to seek the shelter when she wields the sword...

Over thinking ruins you... Ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than actually it is... There are far better things ahead than what we leave behind... Sometimes it is not the pain that makes you suffer, it's your own negative thoughts that make things seem worse…

A very good update Smita... Lots to ponder over... Deep thoughts shrouded by humor...

Part 25

“Nanheji, I want to buy a gun,” Khushi told him, her eyes checking to see if anyone was watching them.

NK chewed on his chips and asked absently, “What?”

“A gun, Nanheji,” she replied.

“Why?” he asked simply, digging in his almost empty packet for chips.

Khushi was stumped.

“You want to learn how to shoot?” he asked helpfully.

“Yes,” she replied, her face lighting up.

“I want to learn too, Khushiji. Don’t worry. I will get a gun and we can practice in Nannav’s garden,” NK offered.

“Yes,” she agreed readily. “But only after he goes to office.”

“Fine,” NK said, shaking the packet to see if any chip had escaped him.

“Let it be our secret,” Khushi told him in a hushed voice. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Our secret,” NK said with a big smile, shaking her hand.


Arnav stared curiously at Khushi and NK shaking hands. Both of them looked like schoolkids planning to play truant. Mischief was written large on their faces.

Khushi turned away from NK to see her husband staring at her.

She gulped.

“I am going, Khushiji,” NK whispered as he ran for his life.

“Kya hua, Khushi?” Arnav asked, a mild frown on his face.

She smiled widely. “Kuch to nahi.”

“What are you planning with NK?” he asked bluntly.

“Nothing,” she said, trying to look innocent.

He waited one more moment hoping that she would explain, but she didn’t. “I am going to the office,” he said.

“Ji,” Khushi said, relieved.

“I will be back by six.”

“Ji. I will send lunch,” she replied.

He nodded and left.


NK returned in one hour with a pistol and bullets.

“Nanheji, you can buy guns so easily in Delhi?” she asked, her hand trembling as she touched its cold surface.

“Very easily,” NK explained. “But the crowd was terrible.”

“In a gun shop?” Khushi asked doubtfully.

NK nodded. “Yes, Khushiji. Looks like all of Delhi found out that we are planning to learn how to shoot. Copy billis of Delhi.”

“Did someone ask you why you wanted a gun?” she asked fearfully.

“No,” NK replied, a frown on his face. “Why should they?”

Khushi nodded slowly. She hadn’t realised that guns were freely available across Delhi.

“Come on, let’s practice,” NK invited her. “Nannav has gone to the office, hasn’t he?”

“Yes. He will be back only by six,” Khushi said gleefully. “Chaliye.”


Arnav looked at his unopened lunch box with a sense of disquiet. Khushi was planning something. That by itself was bad news, but when she was doing it with NK, it was terrible news.

Aman crossed his arms and waited for something momentous to happen. And happen it did.

Arnav Singh Raizada, the boss who lived, breathed, ate, drank and spit out office 24x7 told Aman, “I am leaving for home. Send the contract via email. I will go through it.”

“Yes, sir.” Aman had to strain to maintain an expressionless face.

Arnav grabbed his laptop and his coat and marched out.

Ama beamed.

Aman’s official phone rang.

“Aman Mathur speaking,” Aman said, the smile still in his voice.

“Aman, it is me, Lavanya,” she began. “I want you to help me book an upscale resort for my cousin’s wedding in Delhi.”

Ama sighed. He asked for the date and the budget.

“I asked ASR for help. The least he could have done was talk to me politely,” Lavanya fumed. “I called his phone just now but he didn’t answer.”

“I am afraid ASR is a bit busy,” Aman said, unable to stop himself from smiling.

“Work is crazy?” Lavanya asked.

“No, work is under control. ASR is busy with his wife,” Aman said with satisfaction.

“Wife? Did you say wife?” Lavanya asked in a screech.

“Yes, I did.”

“ASR is married?” Lavanya confirmed.




“Who married him? I mean, whom did he marry?” Lavanya asked.

“Khushi Kumari Gupta,” Aman said with pleasure.

“But—but he was always against marriage,” Lavanya gasped. “Who is she?”

“Akash’s wife’s sister,” Aman said.

“Family?” Lavanya asked.

“Yes,” Aman said.

“His family must have forced him to marry. I don’t see how ASR could marry. Looks like I owe him my condolences,” Lavanya said wryly.

Aman wisely said nothing. What did it matter what Lavanya Kashyap thought of ASR’s wife and his marriage?


Arnav walked silently to his room, opened the door, dropped his bag and moved to the glass door to see what NK and Khushi were about.

Khushi was pointing a gun at a shrub in a pot.

He blinked.

A gun? In Khushi’s hands? And that too aimed at a shrub?

“Shoot, Khushiji, shoot,” NK exhorted her.

Arnav walked to join them.

“Nanheji, it won’t kill the plant, will it?” she asked, her voice trembling. “Poor thing.”

“Shoot,” NK encouraged.

“Arnavji will feel bad if that plant dies,” Khushi said, blinking back tears.

“How can we learn to shoot if we cry over our victim, Khushiji?” NK asked.

“Phir bhi,” Khushi sniffed. “It is a living thing. How can we hurt it?”

Arnav sighed, a smile trembling on his lips.

He waved NK aside and came to stand behind his wife, covering her.

Khushi jumped. “Aap?” she squealed.

“Yes, me,” he replied. His hands supported hers. “Aim at the wall, Khushi.” He moved her arms to point at the wall.

“It will collapse,” she whispered. ‘He Devi Maiyya, Arnavji is teaching me how to kill his girlfriend?’ she thought.

“I will rebuild it,” he offered.

‘But how can you give life to one of your girlfriends after I am done with her?’ Khushi asked silently. But this was not the time to quibble.

She shut her eyes tightly and shot.

She dropped the gun.

Arnav felt her tremble and shake and pulled her to rest against him. Khushi turned and hugged him, burying her face against his neck.

“Your bloodthirsty instinct is satisfied?” he asked her, intense amusement in his voice.

Khushi nodded. She never wanted to touch a gun in her life. ‘Maybe a knife will do for his girlfriend?’ she wondered.

“Where did you get the gun from, NK?” Arnav asked.

“RCS Toys, Nannav,” NK proclaimed proudly.

Khushi lifted her head. “RCS Toys?’ she asked in disbelief. “A toy shop?”

“Yes, Khushiji. I had to fight with three kids to get this gun,” NK said with a victorious smile. “ And the salesman said the rubber bullets were free.”

Khushi collapsed against Arnav, thankful and miffed at the same time.

“Take your rubber bullets and your toy gun and get out,” Arnav told NK mildly. “You scared Khushi.”

“But she told me to get the gun, Nannav,” he protested.

“Out,” Arnav ordered.

NK went out grumbling.

Arnav managed to swallow his laughter before asking, “Khushi, why did you want to shoot my plant?”

She lifted her head to look at him with earnest eyes. “I didn’t want to hurt your plants, Arnavji. I just wanted to,” she paused.

He caught her closer and asked, “Just wanted to?” He smoothed her hair back with a couple of fingers.

“To learn how to shoot,” she confessed.

“Why?” he asked, his lips twitching. “Do you make jalebis by shooting batter into the hot oil?”

“Awww,” her mouth fell open. How dare he insult her jalebis?

“Then?” he asked.

Khushi turned her head away, miffed.

“I know,” Arnav discovered.

He did? Her scared eyes met his.

“You were planning to kill me,” he said as though he were Archimedes in his bathtub during the Eureka moment.

Her mouth fell open. “Of course not,” she fumed when she could.

He pursed his lips. “Hhhmmm, I am wrong. You were planning to shoot yourself?”

“Do I look mad to you?” Khushi asked in a huff.

“Then whom were you planning to kill?” Arnav asked.

“Mosquitoes,” she replied.

His eyebrows hit the sky. “Mosquitoes?” he asked in disbelief.


“With a pistol?”


“Albeit from a toy store. You sure, khushi?”


“I wish I could have seen you kill a mosquito with NK’s free rubber bullet, Khushi. I am sorry I stopped you,” he said, laughing.

Khushi saw red.

He could roam around with all chote kapde girls with stylish hair and high heels and he was laughing because she wanted to kill them? How dare he?

“They are pests,” she retorted.


“They buzz around where they are not wanted,” she declared.


“If I could, I would squash all of them under my foot,” Khushi bit out.

“Mosquitoes?” Arnav asked.

“Yes,” she said, looking like an avenging queen.

He smiled. “You think of the oddest ways of killing something as insignificant as mosquitoes, Khushi,” he said softly.

“They are not insignificant,” Khushi challenged him. “They are out to drink my blood.”

“Let them be, Jhansi ki rani. I am hungry,” he changed the subject.

“I sent lunch to the office,” she replied.

“I know. Let’s eat together,” he suggested.


SHIPPER K has a new blog, Expressions of Love. It carries a collection of stories by fanfic writers. Check it out, darlings.

My story, Stolen Moments


  1. An update! At last! Thank you. As usual I rushed through it. I told myself that I should take my time and read it slowly but ....

  2. Love this Khushi! I'm laughing so much that I can't type. Your sense of humour- I can't say enough about it.
    "What she knew of love and romance could be written on the head of a pin and still have space for Salman Khan's movie script" - LOL
    "There is no guarantee that he will shoot himself after I die" . I couldn't proceed after that, I was laughing so hard. Her decision to ask an unsuspecting NK to help her buy a gun - quintessential Khushi.
    Yes, I agree with you about the ugly black clips. Smitaji, please give her another make over .
    It's raining cats and dogs, snakes and frogs and we're expecting another cyclone and a flood warning has been issued and here I am laughing. I can see my colleagues look at each other with the expression 'there she goes again'. Thank you. Laughter is certainly the best medicine.

  3. Awesome brilliant story. Love it. Love this Khushi so much...

  4. Way to go girl. Why kill yourself? Kill one of the other women to get the message through ..mera pati sirf mera hai. Chalo em kam toh hua that she is all possessive about her man.

  5. very beautiful,I liked khushi's resolution at the end. that will be so exciting. waiting for the next. thanks Smita.

  6. Wow..I mean I just couldn't stop laughing at khushi....the way she talks to her in laws photos..hahhahaha...she found out a nice solution of killing a girl....hahahhahaha...I wonder what 'll be arnav's reaction when he 'll come to know about his wife's plans...hahahhahaha..khushi is rite in thinking about arnav being same as his father...amazing update. ..kuddos to khushi...long way to go..and arnav still has to make her trust her.
    Thanks for updating smitaji....Good luck

  7. Her sanak ...
    Poor NK .....
    What will he do now?
    Friendship ki he nibgaani toh padegi ?
    And Khushi kya kahegi ? She wants a gun to rescue her heart ...( she is falling in love without her knowledge). Her laad governor will do happy dance for sure ...a gun, a possessive Khushi and NK....her sanak at its peak....
    Want more n more Smitaji.

  8. I just love this story. Each update is amazing and just when I picture a scene in my mind as to what could happen next, I am blown away by what you have written. Truly you are gifted. Thank you for taking the time and giving us such wonderful stories to read.

  9. This is just awesomicious-fantabuloustic update..

    Only Khushi can think like this....

    You just nailed her Smita...

    laughing out loud...

  10. Hey smita... such an awesome lovely update.... oh khushi is khushi... gonna murder la n lissa.. first NK is gng to get heart attack listening to his best friend request.....

  11. Ow please clear khushi's doubt arnav about yourself yaar...I love khushi's thoughts its awesome ;) she will rather kill those girls than herself and her lg he he ;)

  12. I love the spirit of khushi
    Why die when we can simply kill the problem... Very funny and sweet n cute update..

  13. Ha ha what an update
    Loved khushi's monologue
    Only she can do this, sitting in the middle of a pooja held for her husband's dead parents and this what is going on in her mind
    Typical Khushi Kumari Gupta trait
    Loved it
    Thanks SMITA dear for the update

  14. Jee God! Only Khushi's brain can think of such monologues on such a day! Laughing like a fool right now! What a twist Smita!

  15. Omg Smitha, this is the funniest barrsi ever!!! Khushi is too much, loved the update!!!!

  16. Something was pricking her. In irritation, she sat up and dug through the covers to find a black, ugly clip she used to hold back her bangs.
    ----- Took it out on the clips did you !

    What she knew of love and romance could be written on the head of a pin and space could be still be found to write a Salman Khanji movie script on it.
    ------ Lovely !!!

  17. Khushi is viewing whole past in different angle lol , I did not feel sorry for Arnav instead I was laughing reading khushi's mind voice ..........

  18. Crazy and so so typical Sanka Devi! Love her monologue!! I was imagining Arnav saying " I can hear you think Khushi" and Khushi's expression!!!

  19. Ye God! Love this kushi. This is the way kushi should have been if the original Writers had an iota of sense.

    1. Hi fellow Smitens! Absolutely agree with you there. The characters in the show had so much potential but the CV's made it into a run of the mill pot boiler. Arnav, Khushi and their story could have been so much better .... Aaaaaarrrrggggghhhh! I don't want to get started on this rant now.

    2. Yes, let's not go there or we will all be pulling our hairs soon!

  20. Hee hee she's going to ask poor nk to buy her a waiting to see how the family reacts to this...n she's must be the first gal in the whole world to speak or think something like this to her sasuma...n what will happen when she comes to know about the only khushi can get such crazy ideas..cnt soon

  21. When is the next update?? So want to see how Khushi plans the murders and how Arnav makes her trust him!!

  22. Of all the peculiarities in Khushi these are the two traits I have always loved. Her indomitable will and her ability to come up with the most outlandish ideas, as solutions to the most intimidating situations!! However, today she has taken her 'never say die' attitude to a whole another level!!
    "There is no guarantee that he will kill himself after I die. I can’t take the chance. He will most likely dance on Second-hand Jawani at my funeral with his Lavanya and Lisa on either side of him.”
    LOL!! See, this is what I mean. An outrageous and yet a very logical and prudent deduction. :-D

    Aranv, had witnessed his family crumble due to his father's lascivious ways. This is where his fear of commitment originated, I think.
    How plagued is he to this day by the whole experience, that before Khushi, here today, gone tomorrow affairs seemed harmless to him. The reason being, his distrust of his own fidelity. After all, when a woman's heart wasn't involved, he needn't be bound by any promises. In his mind, by choosing to be unattached he was in a way safe guarding the women he dated from possible hurt.

    That is, until a hazel eyed girl walked up to him with a plate of jalebis in her hands. Before he knew it his inhibitions faded and disappeared. His heart took complete control of his Haridwar brain!! Which is why I guess it is said, "Falling in love is like jumping off a tall building. Your brain tells you it is not a good idea, but your HEART tells you, you can fly!"
    And now that Arnav knows the potential consequences of playing the field, he will be the most faithful partner there would be ... worship the ground she walks on.
    Relief spread over his features when Khushi found his parent's photo. She will be the one in whose arms he will finally find solace.

    1. "The reason being, his distrust of his own fidelity". - You could be right. I didn't think of it that way. Definitely an interesting take on ASR's commitment phobia.
      Arnav and playing the field? If only he knew Khushi's thoughts I bet he wouldn't be thinking of even innocuous rice fields let alone anything else.

    2. Or I could be wrong!! I am just trying to put myself in Arnav's shoes. Trying to figure him out. The full picture is yet to emerge. But from what we know till now, his father's infidelity ended his mother's life resulting in the turmoil in his and Anjali's lives. So as far as the little boy in him is concerned, marriage failed to give a safe haven to his mother. Marriage failed to stop his father from fooling around. Basically, his reasons for the strong aversion to the concept of 'holy' matrimony.

    3. KC, I hope the rains have finally taken a break. Sending my wishes for a bright, sunny tomorrow!

    4. Priya... My take on your thought is entirely different... He knows he is more like his mother... He does not want to be in the same position as her if ever a woman breaks his heart.. So he was very much for being in detached relationship... If he was like his father he could have married and have concubines too.. He was truthful and vouched his fidelity to the woman he was with till the relationship lasted..

    5. This thought of his was dashed when he came across a girl named Khushi and ASR moulted into Arnav...

    6. Thanks for your wishes Priya, but there is no hope for a bright sunny anything (day or week). We're battening down the hatches and waiting it out.
      Both you and Rulama have interesting points of view. Definitely a debate topic ( he he he ! that's the English teacher in me)
      I want to add my two cents in. Arnav held his mother in high esteem but a part of him felt let down by her because she was weak - not strong enough to continue living after such betrayal, not even for the sake of her children both of whom should have been her priority. Therefore, until he met Khushi, he did not feel the need to commit himself to one woman. Khushi may have been kind, nice, sweet, cute, generous, selfless etc. but for all that she is also one of the strongest women ever. That is something that ASR could respect even if he felt irritated. That's the reason he could walk away from L and L b'cos even though they were career oriented they could never stand up to ASR.
      'moulted' - rulama how apt. Love it.

    7. Its not just about L and L though were career oriented could never stand up to ASR, its because Khushi who was really a contrast to those Ls' could stand up for herself and uphold those same beliefs that his mother stood for... For him his Mama is the ultimate... We see her as a weakling who never even gave any thought to her children before taking her life... She felt only the betrayal of her husband but not a thought that she was betraying her children... Arnav has not anaylsed his mother that way... You can analyse only if you are not pained at the thought... He is carrying the pain in his heart silently and that was what had consumed him...

    8. See, this is what I mean. The comments, interpretations, personal opinions are equally interesting and entertaining. You are right. ASR has many, many layers to his personality as does Khushi.

    9. My two cents...Arnav hates marriage because secretly he holds it sacred. He feels that people should not get married because many are not or not willing to fully commit to the sacred Union. Why bother to get married then?

      He never bothers about marriage because he knows he could never fully commit himself to all the La'ss n mosquitos in the world. That is until he meets Kushi, the Crazy; champion of all conundrums in the world. All previous attempts by his family to force him into marriage enraged him because he felt all of them were forcing him to betray his ideals because he could never fully commit to the Las. But when he met Kushi....

  23. She is truly an original ,loved her monologue ,looking fwd to how Nk helps her and Arnav reaction when he finds out .

  24. I like Khushi's idea better. :-). So she is planning to kill one of Arnav's ex girlfriends :-). Nice update Smita.

  25. so sad of arnav....haha klhushi planning to to kill la and lisa ..... and NK is going to heart attack once she listenes to khushi's request of getting her gun ........

  26. Hi it's my first comment here sorry for that
    I really appreciate your stories they are fabulous to say the least
    In every story you bring a new light to arnav and khushi's characters and we fall in love with them all over again
    Khushi's insecurities here are legal she stepped in this marriage with the lowest spirits and thoughts about it and I think arnav should have seen this coming he wouldn't be surprised if he heard her monologue
    Him telling her his past now was a mistake he knew what she thought about him and in witch situation she accepted to marry him
    Sorry for typos

  27. Hilarious KKGSR:):):):) lol...,I loved her second option kill lavanya, hahahaha too good dear too good, your story always makes me happy, keep it up wonderful job

  28. Is it too early to start asking for an update?

  29. Arnav is in big trouble.
    He needs to clear out things with khushi
    Continue soon

  30. Khushi plotting murder was funny.

  31. Smitaji, when are you giving us your next instalment?

  32. Fellow Smitens, quick ques. about ek jashan - Are all of them not staying in the same house?

    1. Who? Akash lives in US... Anjali with Arnav/... Nani and Mami at RM... Gupta's at Lucknow with Swastik Mistaan Bhandaar flourishing.....

  33. Hi, Smita
    Are we getting an update today?
    Been stalking since quite some time now
    No pressure though,
    Just asking :)

  34. Smitaji, is everything alright? I hope you are well. It's just that you haven't posted any comment.

    1. Was terribly busy. uske saath no current till now. How is the typhoon your end?

    2. At the rate it is raining, I wish we had the cyclone and got it over with. Now it is a low pressure system and it's raining non stop. Anyway, I'm glad you are fine. Take your time and recover. We'll wait for the update. Lots of Love.

    3. KC, you ok? How bad is the cyclone?

  35. Isn't it the day for the update???????? Smita, where are you???? All well??? :/

    1. No update today. Exhausted. Will meet tomorrow.

    2. No problem. Please take rest and build up your energy...your fans will wait for you :)

  36. wow mind blowing update loved it can't wait for next part thank you sorry for late reply internet connection not working because of bad weather here in uk .......ameena671

  37. Thanks Smita for the note
    Sorry to bother you

  38. ROFL. Smita loved the update. NK and his toy gun. I like Khushi's determination but Arnav has really shocked Aman by walking out of the office to be with her

  39. This Khushi is too cute. What is she going to do next.

  40. This Khushi is too cute. What is she going to do next.

  41. There is something to be said for being late... It's not only the early bird that catches the worm... Sometimes the late one finds two updates....

    Is there anything more touching than the vulnerability of a strong man... That was the thought that was going through my mind as Arnav was revealing his past... And then when I reached Khushi's conclusion to the whole 'afsana' I thought that when a person falls in love... The brain cells must go on a permanent vacation... What I forgot was we are not dealing with a regular person... We are dealing with KKGSR... The Queen of Melodrama... Rather than concluding that a person who has been through such a horrific chain of events originating from 'supposed'( I think you are raising questions there again) infidelity would NEVER indulge in the same... She concludes he comes by it honestly...

    Though I have to agree with some of her thoughts... Which parents, especially a mother, however heartbroken would commit suicide on her daughter's wedding day... For that matter any mother of any daughter worthy of her name!!! We will leave the father out... Coz he mostly turns out to be a creep... Maybe not in this case? I guess I will wait to find out S Ji.

    Now the comedy part of the chapter... Jeez I loved your portrayal of Nk and Khushi... First of all, though I have to say... How beautifully funny the thought process was from her dying... To her killing LG and then herself... To why not kill his girlfriends as a warning to the rest of wanna be's. I have to say I found THIS particular conclusion very logical as I was ROFL. This self dialogue was reminiscent of where the Khushi in the show is commiserating with La thinking LG had coerced her into the live in relationship....

    And of course the firing lesson... I am sure every one else has covered it ably... So I will just say just this.... I LOVED IT! And may I also say... I love how attuned Arnav is to Khushi... You took brain cells from Khushi and gave them all to Arnav! I love how he teases her.

    Fantastic update S Ji.... Thank you!

    Love and hugs,
    Smit(t)en S.

    1. Can I just say this is exactly what I want to say too...

      Got 2 updates in a row... and what a treat it was.

    2. You may Re Re... You are permitted to say so... ;)

  42. I liked the nok jok between Arnav and khushie. And I hoped he guess who the mosquitos are she is referring too ,he better have a honest conversation before lavanya visits or calls with her condolences ,on his marriage ,,overall you sense of the ridiculous is spot on .

  43. wow amazing and funny loved it can't wait for next part thank you.........ameena671

  44. good update; eager to read more. continu soon!

  45. lavanya going to make a mischief

  46. lavanya going to make a mischief

  47. Omg. Such an amazing update. I thought how come nk got the gun so easily. Lol. Toy gun. Both are kiddos. Killing mosquitoes. Omg. Smita u r truly a gifted writer. I yhank god that I came across you. God bless you desr. You are lighting up so many lives dear.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Again a wow. .what an update. .hahahhaha..nk and khushi are really kids. .arnav have got a jist of what's going in his wife's mind...I guess..lovely update. .but this lavanya.why can't she leave asr alone...even after getting humiliated from him in worst way..again she is telling she owes condolences to him..she is gonna do something. .but this time khushi is no less. .I guess this time if lavanya again makes an appearance in front of arnav she is gonna have it from both asr and his blood thirsty wife....hahahahhahaha...amazing update....loved it. ..Thanks for update smitaji for taking out time fro ur busy schedule and updating. ..Gud luck

  50. Awwwww hum toh dhanya hi gaye ji....dui dui stories read karne ko mili humka....

    Stolen moment is just perfect... I loved it. And yes humne uss blog pe bhi comment ki hai ji.

    Coming to this update... It's getting better and better..
    NK in toy store fighting with kids for the toy gun..I can imagine entire scene...
    Arnav the rakhshas with tez dimag ...kabhi usse kuchh chhup sakta he bhala ? Khaas karke baat jab Khushi se judi ho and her partner in crime NK...
    Lovely update...

    But I think ab mushkil ghadi aanewali he..Ms.Laavanya ko jo pata chala he...
    Continue soon but before it please take rest.
    Love n hugs.

  51. Plz plz update jaldi jaldi... I can't wait to read what will happen to Lavanya she meets khushi

  52. Smita why are you so so so amazing writer dear.. God i die of laughing reading your stories and sometimes cry buckets too.. this is such an enchanted story.. Khushi is awesome.. she wants to kill mosquitoes like lavanya, lisa for hugging her laadgovernor and her laad governor is so sweet.. he is in love with his crazy wife and she doesn't have an idea about it.. I am loving it.. gun sequence was superb.. nk and his tussle with three kids to get Khushi a gun.. my.. only NK-Khushi can be such sweet & cute friends.. Read Stolen Moments amazing shot.. well waiting for next part of this story which is very intense at the same time you made it very light too. <3

  53. Kushi, kushi, kushi...when u think u get kushi figured out, she astounds u again n again!

  54. Ohhhh!!! This is so not enough, Smita! I want more....I want them to move forward somehow. But the update was amazing....Loved the conversation between the husband and the wife. For one moment I thought Khushi would blurt out that she wanted to kill his girlfriends...LOL!
    Please update want to see what happens next!

  55. As usual Smita AWESOME UPDATE
    I couldn't stop laughing when NK said that he got the gun from a toy store and had to fight 3kids to get it :D
    Ooo excited to know about Lavanya, will it be a face off ASR +khushi against la ?
    Loved Rash's interpretation

  56. Smita, another super duper update. There is nothing much I can say but to say I loved every single word of it. The sorrow, the possible vengeance, the suspicion and the humor. A bungle of joy it was to read.

    Rash, loved your take on Part 24. Sometime questions are indeed answers. Superb!!!

  57. Hi KC and S ji,
    I am not sure which part of India you guys are in... but we had a Newsflash here that there has been record flooding in Southern India... Hope everything is ok on your end... Stay safe. Sending best wishes your way.

    1. I am in Kerala. No floods here, but the condition of Chennai is bad.

    2. Happy to know you are safe S Ji. KC, waiting to hear from you. Also anyone else from the Smit(t)en world who is over there in India... Our safe wishes to you... Pls touch base and let us know you are ok!
      Love and regards,

  58. The bonding between NK and Khushi is refreshing.

  59. I live in Kanchipuram district. Had heavy rain and flooding. Hoping for some relief from rain.

    1. Hi Hema,
      Sending you wishes for better weather.
      Love and regards,

  60. khushi's overdrive mind is playing so many things.......she has planned to learn how to shoot and kill asr's girlfriend..........and Arnav caught her thoughts.......though she lied......he understands her...........he has to fix her insecurities............

  61. Funny one... to kill mosquitoes. ..

  62. This is a great Blog. I am very happy with your good work. You actually put very useful information. I want to read your next post.

  63. Love your stories very very much....I'm addicted to your writings!!!

  64. Oh gosh! Loved the humour. Arnav was tickled and Khushi is so gorgeously funny.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Hi all. Does anyone have entry 254 (chapters 22 and 23) of Laad Governor & Afghan Jalebi saved? If you do, Smita Di could repost it for all the readers. Thank you
