Thursday 27 December 2012

61. Keeping Khushi (Parts 81-)

Part 81

Kamla Mishra opened her eyes to see a smiling Gopi Kakka and a beaming nurse.

"Gopi Bhaiyya, Kya hua?", she asked, bewildered.

"You have guests.", Gopi Kakka said.

She gaped at him.

"Amma!", came the call from the doorway. 

Kamla Mishra looked at Khushi, Payal, & Anjali smiling at her.

"Aap sab! How...? What...?" Poor Kamla could not find words. The nurse and Gopi Kakka left them.

 "Did you think you could hide from us?", asked Khushi.

"We found you. So Aartiji said we should start a detective agency.", laughed Payal.

"We found you, finally.', said Anjali, beaming.

Mami, Buaji, & Nani entered the room.

"Aur naahin to kaa! Hide and seek khelat rahe the kaa hamse!", asked Mami.

"You should have told us about your surgery, Nandkisore! We would have come to help you out.", said Buaji, sitting on the bed by Kamla.

"Haan, Kamlaji.", said Nani, pressing Kamla's fingers. She added, "There is no getting rid of us. We were very worried about you when we could not get in touch with you, and so we came searching for you."

Kamla smiled.

Baba, Mamaji, and Anand knocked on the door.

"Is this a square bed conference only for women, or may we men join it?", asked Anand laughing.

"Come on in, Hello Hi Bye Bye.", invited Mamiji. "The more the marrier (merrier)"

The women except Kamla, got up out of respect for Baba, and sat only after Baba accepted the chair Payal offered him.
Anand sat on the bed, his arm around Buaji's shoulder.

 "Your husbands are in Delhi?", asked Kamla, looking at Khushi & Payal. 

They laughed. "No, Amma. They are here, with Aartiji in her room."

"Aarti is awake?", her mother asked anxiously.

"Ji.", said Khushi. "And she said that she is not in pain."

Kamla smiled, relieved.

"Nandkisore is in Delhi?", asked Kamla, wanting to see him but feeling that she had no right to demand to see him.

All laughed.

"Can we leave Ranjha in Delhi when Heer is in Mumbai?", asked Baba.

Kamla looked at him, not really getting his point.

Khushi quickly introduced her father to Kamla. "Amma, this is my Baba, Pt. Sasi Sharma."

Baba folded his hands in greetings. Kamla looked at him with wide eyes. "The musician?", she asked in a whisper.

"Baba!", Khushi teased him. "You almost never leave the house, but you are world-famous!"

"Haan, Babaji.", Mami teased him. "Even the girl doing pedicure at the isspaa (spa) has your CD. You are a celeb like Ash!" She looked at Khushi. "Babaji stays at home and he ijj so phamous (famous). How much more phamous would he be if he bent (went) out?"

Baba looked around in a hunted manner. All laughed.

"Babaji, teach me music too. I bill (will) sing with you. We will become a pair, Pandit Sasi Sharma and his honehaar disciple, Pandita Manorama Singh Raijjada. Bhat (what) do you says?", asked Mami.

Baba looked at the door, desperate. Mamaji hit his own head with his hand. All hid their smiles.

"Manno...", Mamaji said. "You can't carry a tune in a bucket. Then how will you...?"

"Bhy should I carry a tune in a bucket? A bucket? Thijj (this) ijj singing, not cleaning.", said Mami. "Aap shutuppiya hi kar lo Ji. You don't know anythings about mujjic. We singers don't hab (have) to carry a tune in a bucket. There ijj a tanpura phor (for) it."

Baba looked at the giggling ladies, and a reluctant smile spread across his lips.  

Kamla Mishra said, "Aarti plays your CD daily. She is very fond of your music."

Baba smiled.

"She loves your Jaagoon Main Sari Raina, Balmaa in Raag Maru Bihaag."

All smiled. Baba nodded.

"And your Tan, Man, Dhan Tope Vaaru in Raag Kalavati."

Baba smiled.

Arnav, Akash, NK, & Aarti were in her room. 

"Nannav, Akash, Aarti has agreed to marry me after a month." NK could not control his glee. He ran and hugged Arnav, and then Akash.

Both men smiled at NK and Aarti.

"That will let Amma and you heal. That is good.", said Arnav.

Aarti smiled at him. 

"NK's parents will be able to come over and see you and Amma.", Akash smiled.

Aarti nodded.

"Let's do the running around for the wedding.", Arnav said.

Aarti opened her mouth to speak.

Arnav cut in. "Don't refuse our help. You need the rest. And you will also have to deal with the pending work when you are on your feet."

Aarti opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Akash said, "After all, we are your Jetjis. You should let us help you."

Aarti sighed, smiling. "I was going to agree."

All laughed.

"I will be in no position to go out and make arrangements for my wedding any time soon. I know.", Aarti was nothing if not practical. 

Arnav, Akash, & NK smiled at her.

"And you are veterans at conducting weddings.", Aarti teased them. "So I will leave all the arrangements to you."

"Excellent!", NK rubbed his hands.

"Do you want a simple wedding or a fancy one?", asked Akash, whipping out a pocket book and pen.

Aarti looked at him in horror, pictures of fancy weddings she had driven cars for flashing through her mind, and said quickly, "As simple as possible."

Akash noted it down.

"I will arrange samples of the wedding invitation to be brought to you. Select whatever you want.", said Arnav.

Aarti nodded.

"Make a list of the people you would like to invite.", Arnav suggested.

"Amma, Gopi Kakka, and my employees."

Arnav nodded.

"Khushi, Payal, & the others will help you choose clothes and jewellery. I will arrange someone to bring all that home.", Arnav said.

"I have my wedding saree.", said Aarti, a faint tinge of red on her cheeks.

NK, Arnav, & Akash looked at her astonished. Maybe Amma had purchased something for her daughter years ago. Maybe it was some heirloom, they thought.

Aarti said, "Khushiji gave me a red Benarasi saree on Payalji's wedding as a gift. It is my first saree. I would like to wear it."

Arnav swallowed, touched.

NK caught hold of Aarti's hand, smiling at her.

"So Shagun is actually over.", Akash laughed.

 "Mehendi too.", said NK. 
All looked at him.

"Khushi bhabi drew sunflowers all over one hand and I drew the same all over her other hand on Akash's mehendi day."

"You applied mehendi to Aarti?" , Arnav asked, his eyebrow raised.

NK nodded.

"You drew?" Arnav, who knew that NK could make a hen look like an elephant when he drew it, asked.

NK nodded, smiling.

"And Aarti let you?", Akash asked, shocked.

NK nodded. "She didn't know then that I can't draw to save my life."

All of them laughed.

Part 82

Arnav, Akash, & NK joined the others in Amma’s room.

Arnav and Akash greeted Amma with affection. 

NK hugged her and kissed her cheek. Kamla caressed his cheek, and smiled at him.

"Do you like NK?", Arnav asked Kamla.

She looked at him, surprised. She said, "Yes."

"Good. So you won’t mind him being your son-in-law?", Arnav asked with a slight smile.

There was a second of silence in the room. And then there were loud cries of joy.

Kamla Mishra looked on in wonder as the Raizadas, Buaji, Anand, and Baba celebrated the good news.

"Aarti Bitiyaa agreed to marry NK Bitwaa?", Nani asked.

Arnav nodded. "Do you mind?", he asked Amma.

Kamla stared at him for a moment. "Aarti agreed. AARTI agreed?", she asked, tears of joy in her eyes.

Arnav smiled. "Yes. She said she wants one month's time to settle things."

A smile trembled on Kamla Mishra’s lips.

"She agreed!", Amma still could not get over the fact.

NK caught hold of her hand, and said, "I will look after her, Amma." He was dead serious.

Kamla nodded, smiling at him.

"And I will look after you."

"I know.", she said, smiling.

All of the ladies hugged NK & Amma. They then went to Aarti’s room to congratulate her, hugging her to within an inch of her life.

"Phinally (finally) I have my maadern (modern) daughter-in-law who ijj as kool as her Maasi!", said Mami. "Your short hair and my pink gaagles (goggles)! Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi!"

Aarti smiled.
"Didn’t I tell you that a rajkumar will come to marry you?", Buaji asked Aarti, kissing her forehead.
"Yes. You did, Buaji.", Aarti admitted, smiling.

Later, Aarti managed to get to her mother's bedroom.  They talked for long about their past and how their life had changed for the better. Amma shed tears for Shikha, and took comfort in the fact that finally Aarti was going to have a normal life......after a horrendously abnormal childhood and youth.

Aarti made arrangements for the Raizadas to go on sightseeing trips in Mumbai. Every day, after breakfast, she packed them off to see the city. 

Her mother and she had to sleep and rest all day. That didn’t mean that the Raizadas had to give them company and waste the chance to enjoy the sights and sounds of Mumbai.

Khushi and Arnav stayed back at home. Khushi, because she was not very interested in sightseeing and didn’t want to travel in her present condition, and Arnav because Khushi was staying back and he had  a pile of work waiting for him.

NK protested long and hard that he wanted to stay back, but somebody had to carry Mami’s huge pile of bags as she raided the shops in the city. 

Every evening, they all returned, exhausted but happy, and sat in Amma’s room around her bed, chatting long into the night. They, including Aarti and Gopi Kakka, had dinner together in Amma’s room, eating out of plates held in their hands. They told tall tales, played cards, poked fun at each other, and laughed for hours.......

One month to conduct a wedding would be considered very short a period by many families. But to the Raizadas who had given Jhat Mangni Pat Byah a new meaning, it was like a year. To NK who had been ready to marry Aarti months back, one month was very, very long.......

Anjali asked Aarti, "Where would you like to conduct the wedding, Aartiji?"

Aarti looked at her mother.

"Omkar is, of course, available.", smiled Baba.

"RM is available.", Nani said.

"Our house in Laxmi Nagar can be used, Nandkisore, if it is a small wedding.", Buaji pinched Aarti’s chin.

"If you don’t like any of these options, we can hire a hall or a ground.", Arnav suggested.

"Or have it in a temple.", suggested Akash.

"Or have it at your haujjj (house).", said Mamiji. "It ijj bigger than two cricket grounds put together!"

"Can we have it at our office?", asked Aarti softly. Amma smiled sadly.

All looked at her, astonished.

"It is just that..... I..I have spent most of my life there. So....", Aarti shrugged, looking uncomfortable.

"Haan, haan. Why not?", said Naniji, caressing Aarti's cheek.

"No problem.", said Arnav. Akash & NK nodded.

"It is a beautiful office, Nandkisore.", said Buaji, smiling.

"There is lots of space.", added Payal, smiling.

Khushi nodded, hugging Aarti. "And all your friends are there."

"Transportation bill (will) be taken care of, Hello Hi Bye Bye!", said Mami.

"As you wish, Aarti Bitiyaa.", said Mamaji.

"We will be closed on the day of the wedding anyway. And we have a huge auditorium capable of holding 3,000 guests. We often rent it out....."

All nodded.

"We have our own canteen/ food division. They are used to catering for huge on and off-site functions, both private and corporate."

"Excellent.", said Arnav.

"And I think your Nitin will enjoy decorating the whole place.", laughed NK. "He is such a wall, a polite wall......", he complimented the middle aged man. "He wouldn’t let out any information about you."

Khushi nodded, smiling. "The employees love you a lot."

Aarti smiled at them. 

"They form the backbone of Mishra’s. We have been together for  a long time. I would like all of them to bring their families for the wedding and enjoy it.........It will be strange.....", she smiled, shrugging. "Normally, we are the ones who help others get married, and now....."

All smiled.

"Now it is your turn to be happy.", said Nani, hugging her carefully.

Buaji kissed her forehead.

Part 83

"Hello, Madam.", Nitin answered Aarti's call. "How are you?"

"Very well, Nitin. Thanks."

The Raizadas, NK, Baba, Buaji, Amma, & Anand  listened in on the conversation, waiting to witness Nitin's surprise at the news of Aarti's wedding.

"The pain...?", Nitin's frown of distress was almost visible in Mumbai.

"Much less now.", said Aarti in her direct way.

"Please don't worry about the work, Madam. Everything is under control.", Nitin reassured her.

"I am not worried about work, Nitin.", Aarti smiled. "I called you for another reason."


"Is our function hall booked for the 15th of next month?"

"Just a minute, Madam." Nitin checked and confirmed, "No, Madam. It is free on the 15th and the 28th of next month. All the other days are booked."

"Can you book it for the 15th?"

"Ji. Is it a private event or a corporate one, Madam?" 

"Err...Private. A wedding." 

" Under whose name should I book it, Madam?"


"Ji...? Ji...", said poor Nitin. "Will the bride and the groom come to select the theme of the decorations, Madam?"

"You choose all that, Nitin."


"Haan. You choose the interior. Let Bankelalji at the Canteen choose the menu and forward it to me."

"Ji?" Nitin's voice was just a thread.

"And let Jayesh Bhai choose the exterior decorations. And decorate the vehicles to be used."

There was silence for a few moments, and finally, Nitin asked, "Madam, may I have the names of the groom and the bride? We will need to write it with flowers on the stage."

"The groom is....err.....Nandkisore."

"Ji." Nitin took down the details.  

"The bride....err..the bride is Aarti."


"Aarti...?", came Nitin's hushed voice. "Aarti...?"

"Ji..... Aarti Mishra."


Then came a whoop of joy from Delhi to Mumbai.

"Bitiyaa...your are getting married....." All could almost see the tears in Nitin's eyes as he struggled to take in the glad news that he had never dreamed of being able to hear. 

The listeners smiled, moved by Nitin's happiness.

"Ji...", Aarti smiled.

"I never dreamed....", Nitin choked.

"Me too, Nitin.", smiled Aarti, shrugging.

"It is the Nandkisore who came here searching for you many times, isn't it, Bitiyaa?"


"His parents....?"

"His parents are in Australia."


"You must have met the rest of his family many times in the last few days....", Aarti teased Nitin. 

"Ji...", Nitin smiled.

"And you must have met Shri. Anand Dwivedi, the architect."


"He is Nandkisore's Jijaji."

"Oh!", Nitin smiled, his mind at rest. The Raizadas were crazy about Aarti Bitiyaa. Arnav Singh Raizada and his beautiful wife who hugged Aarti Bitiyaa a lot.... Akash Singh Raizada and his wife who had hugged Aarti Bitiyaa in front of hundreds of mechanics in the workshop.... The lady with the loud make-up and her husband.... The elderly lady.... The middle-aged lady with the vegetable basket loved Aarti Bitiyaa..... And Anand Dwivedi was a good man.....

He asked, just to be sure, "Gopi Kakka  has met them."

"Ji.", Aarti smiled, understanding and appreciating Nitin's caution on her behalf. "He approves of them."

Nitin smiled.

"I was thinking, we can hold the wedding on the 15th of the next month at our hall.", Aarti said.

"Ji...Ji..", smiled Nitin.

"You choose everything, Nitin."

Nitin smiled. "I will send you samples of the best of everything, Bitiyaa. You select the ones you like the best. Your marriage is going to happen only once. It is special. So we will select the best and make it special."

Aarti smiled. The others smiled and nodded.

"Tell me what you would like to have. I will ensure that it is here and ready in time for the wedding. Whatever it is.", Nitin promised.

"There is just one thing I really want, Nitin.", Aarti said softly. 


"I want to send a personal invitation to every employee and his/ her family. I would like all of them there, for the wedding."

Nitin smiled. "It will be done, Madam."  

"I will call you later, Nitin.", Aarti smiled. "Now let me call Jayesh Bhai and shock him."

"He will treat all of us to ladoo in the canteen today.", Nitin smiled.

Aarti smiled.

"And you will have to give him leave for a couple of days. He vowed years back that he would go to Tirupati and shave his head the day you got married."

Aarti swallowed. 

All the others had left the house, some planning to shop and other planning to tour the city. NK was with Aarti, both of them holding hands and talking.

Amma was asleep.  

Gopi Kakka was in the kitchen, supervising the preparation of lunch.

Khushi sat on the antique bed in her room, embroidering a pillow case for Aarti. In between stitches, she stole glances at her husband who was working on his laptop.

"Do you want to tell me something?", Arnav asked, trying to hide a smile, his eyes still on the screen.

"No.", said Khushi, slightly pink at having been caught staring at her husband by the aforementioned husband himself.

"Sure?", he teased.

"Sure.", Khushi said.

Arnav threw a cute and naughty smile at her, and looked at the screen. One...Two...Three....


Arnav coughed to stop himself from bursting out in laughter. He looked at her, his eyes dancing.

But Khushi didn't notice it. She was frowning at the needle.

"Kya hua, Khushi?", asked Arnav softly.

She took that as the invitation to confide in him. And confiding in him meant sitting as close to him as possible.

She abandoned her needle and cloth, and clambered off the bed to walk up to Arnav and to perch on his lap.

Arnav pushed his chair back, and put his arms around his delicious looking wife, all cuddly and pink in a gorgeous pink saree.


  "Arnavji, I was thinking..."

"Hhmmm...?"Arnav breathed in the jasmine scent of her unbound hair, letting the strands caress his face.

"NK Bhai is very happy, isn't he?" Khushi leaned back trustingly against him, putting her arms over his around her waist, sighing in happiness.

"Hhmmm..." Arnav buried his face in her hair, and angled his lips to kiss the vulnerable, creamy skin of her neck.

Unaware of his intentions, Khushi said, "I was thinking...."

"Hhmmm?" Arnav eyed her luscious lips.

"Can't Aartiji, Amma, & Gopi Kakka  stay with us in RM once they return to Delhi? Why should they go back to that house of theirs with its terrible memories?"

"Hhmmm..." Arnav's eyes narrowed in their contemplation of Khushi's beautiful eyes, her straight, cute nose with its nose pin, and the moving muscles of her throat......His fingers slowly unpinned her pallu.

"Don't you think it is a good idea?", an unaware Khushi asked, sure that he would support her, turning around to face him, still encircled by his strong, protective arms.


Khushi looked in to his eyes.

"Is it a good idea or not?", she asked, just to be sure of his reply.

"A very good idea. Brilliant, in fact."  

Khushi smiled, thrilled that her idea had found favour with her Arnavji. She put her arms around his shoulders, and pressed herself against his warm, muscular chest covered by the soft material of his blue casual top.

"I should have thought of this earlier.", Arnav said regretfully.

Khushi raised her eyebrows in shock. Her idea was that good?  

"I should have insisted that you wear only sarees at home. They are so easy to remove, unlike those anarkalis or whatever...", he muttered as he rid her of her cumbersome clothes.

He swooped down to kiss her parted lips, enjoying her gasp of surprise.


Part 84

Mamiji, Nani, & Buaji elected to stay back in Mumbai with Aarti and her Amma. Arnav and Khushi had to get back to Delhi. Baba had to return to his children. Akash, Mamaji, NK, & Payal had to work. Anjali & Anand too had to return to Delhi.

Three weeks later, Aarti, Amma, Mamiji, Naniji, Buaji, & Gopi Kakka returned to Delhi. They were escorted by NK, Anand, and Akash, who came to Mumbai to get them.

Aarti & her Amma were brought to RM, and helped inside their rooms to rest.

Nani, Mami, Khushi, & Arnav talked to Kamla about staying on in RM.

“It is just one week to the wedding. After that, Aarti Bitiyaa has to stay here with us or NK Bitwaa will have to move to your house to stay with you. What would you like, Kamlaji?”, Nani asked, pressing Amma’s hand.

“I don’t want Aarti to stay in that house any longer.”, Kamla said, blinking away her tears. “It holds too many bad memories. Let her stay here with you if it is not too much trouble for you.”

“It is no trouble.”, said Arnav. “But we won’t let you stay in that house alone.”

Kamla smiled. “I am alright now. And Gopi Bhaiya will be with me.”

“And Ram Singh and a fish. But we cannot let you live there alone.”, Arnav was adamant.

“Bhy do you bant (want) to live alone, Hello Hi Bye Bye, when we are here?”, asked Mami, confused.

“Please stay here with us, Amma.”, said Khushi. “You can see Aartiji living happily with NK Bhai, their children running about……..”

Kamla smiled. 

“Aartiji too will be happy that you are with her.”, Khushi said.

“And Gopi Kakka will be happy too.”, Arnav said.

Kamla smiled, but refused to stay on with her daughter’s in-laws, not wanting even her shadow to fall on the happy life that had finally fallen in Aarti’s share.

“Kamlaji, please reconsider your decision. It is not safe to live alone. Nor is it necessary when we are all here.”, said Nani.

“Haan. Listen to my Saasumma.”, Mami advised Kamla. “Even I don’t disobey her. I bill ask HP to help Gopi Kakka bring your things here.” Mami got up.

“No, Manoramaji. Please don’t. It is not right that I should stay here. How can I stay in my daughter’s sasural?”

Nani sighed. “This is not your daughter’s saural. This is your daughter’s ghar. Her own house.”

Khushi nodded. Mami said, “Saasummaa is right.”

“It is not right, my staying here..... I am sorry to refuse such a kind offer, but…”

“Kind offer? What kind offer are you refusing, Amma?”, asked NK, as he walked into the room to perch on the bed by Kamla. “If it is my Khushi bhabi’s gajar halwa, don’t refuse, please. “

Kamla smiled.

“We want your Amma to stay with us after you and Aarti are married. We have been trying to get her to agree, but…”, sighed Nani.

“She wants to stay alone with the phish (fish) in that museum!”, said Mami.

Khushi and Arnav nodded, signalling NK with their eyes to try his luck.

NK nodded. He said, “Amma, if you want to stay in your house, it is OK. I will move in there after Aarti & I are married.”

“No, no. You should stay with your brothers.”, Kamla said, not wanting to break up this family. “They will be very hurt if you leave them.”, she said earnestly.

“They will understand.”, smiled NK. “Aarti and I are not leaving you alone. Not even for a moment. Either we stay in your house or we all stay here. You can choose, Amma.”

Kamla looked at the smiling face of NK, waiting for her to choose. He was perfectly ready to move into the Mishra’s residence if needed. 

She looked at the faces of the rest of the family. All were anxious about her decision, but Khushi looked scared. Just the thought of her devar and devrani leaving their home was enough to make her anxious. And that too when she was pregnant…...

Kamla quickly said, “I will stay here.”

She looked at the smiles  and the relief on the faces of the people around her, and trying hard not to cry, thanked God for having given her daughter a wonderful family and an excellent husband.

Arnav walked into his bedroom, and stopped short.

Khushi was standing in front of the mirror.

She was wearing a dark blue and red saree.


As he watched, she lifted the pallu slightly to reveal her waist. She undid the last couple of buttons of her waist-covering blouse, to reveal a section of her waist.

She turned to the left and to the right to check if her baby had made her tummy grow atleast a bit more than the last time she had checked it, which was a few minutes before.

Arnav smiled, his heart melting with tenderness for his wife and his baby. He walked towards her on soft feet.

Khushi lifted her head from her close perusal of her stomach to see Arnavji in the mirror, standing behind her, looking at her waist. 

She quickly pulled the pallu down, feeling as though she had been caught doing something naughty.

“What were you doing, Khushi?”, asked Arnav in his low, husky voice.

Khushi flushed.

“I..I was just seeing if our baby had grown.”, she confessed in a whisper.

“And has it?”, he asked, struggling to keep a straight face.

“No.”, her face was a picture of disappointment.

“When did you last check it?”, he asked, knowing the answer.

“A few minutes ago.”, she confessed, sheepishly.

Arnav swallowed his laugh.

“Let me see.”, he said. “Maybe I can see a change.”

Khushi eagerly agreed, turning towards him.

Arnav turned her to face the mirror, and positioned himself behind her.

He said in his low voice, “Lift the pallu, Khushi.”

Poor Khushi eagerly lifted the pallu away from her waist.

“Maybe you should undo a few more buttons.”, he suggested, looking like an angel.

“Ji.” Khushi undid two more buttons, and looked at him expectantly.

Arnavji did not disappoint her.

He inspected her waist thoroughly with his eyes, and lifted his hands to run them over her waist, examining every inch of her.

Some impending sense of danger, or maybe the incendiary look in his chocolate eyes warned her.

She caught hold of his exploring hands, and stilled them.

She looked at his image in the mirror.

“Well, is there any change, Arnavji?”

“Hhmm…I think the baby has grown slightly.”, he said.

“Sach, Arnavji!” A thrilled Khushi looked at her waist, but could not see any difference.

“Maybe I should inspect it further. If you lower the tie of your waist, unpin the pleats, then….”


                              HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Part 85

Arnav looked at the new dining table that was being assembled in their dining room. It was huge. Just huge.

Capable of accommodating the Raizadas, NK, Aarti, Amma, Gopi Kakka, Baba, the children in Omkar, Payal’s parents, Buaji, Anand Jiju, Di, Anand Jiju’s Amma & Buaji, his sisters and their families, the babies his family may be fortunate enough to have……….

He smiled in pleasure.  His whole family would be together. For every festival. For every function, be it a wedding anniversary or a birthday. All together. Maybe he could build another floor in RM. The children would have lots of space to run and play.....

The smile widened as he felt Khushi’s fingers slipping in between his. He turned his head to look at her happy face. He tightened his hold on her fingers, loving the feel of her pressed against his side as both of them looked at the table.

“How many children are you planning, Arnavji?”, teased Khushi.

“Enough for a football team.”, Arnav teased right back.

Khushi looked at him, her eyes wide in shock. But before she could respond, Mamiji came to see what was happening in the dining space.

“Hello Hi Bye Bye, Arnav Bitwaa! Bhat is happening?”

“A new dining table, Mami.”

“Oo dining table he kaa? I thought it was a big bedwaa for your, Akash Bitwaa, and NK Bitwaa’s children!”

Aarti looked at her mother, shocked.

Kamla said, “I don’t know why, but they insisted……and Nandkisore said that he would leave his brothers and move ino our house…..Khushi was very upset. I am sure his whole family must have been very upset…But they were willing to let him live with us…..How could I hurt them, Aarti?”

Aarti nodded.

“I never imagined that they would….”, she shook her head in disbelief, feeling all choked. “I thought I would have to shuttle between the two houses.”

“Aarti….”, Kamla Mishra said, sighing.  “I won’t ask you to forget the past and move on. I know it is not possible to forget 23 years of torture or Shikha. I won’t ask you to forgive your father, because what he did is beyond forgiveness.”

Aarti nodded, understanding what her mother was getting at.

“But I would like you to be happy here.”

Aarti nodded.

“Don’t let your past spoil your future happiness.”

Aarti nodded.

“Don’t give Mohan Mishra the power to spoil your life even after his death.”

“I won’t, Amma.”, Aarti promised.

“We are very lucky, Aarti. To get a groom like Nandkisore. To get such a wonderful family….”

Aarti nodded. “I will always value them, Amma. And I will never put you to shame. I promise.”

Kamla Mishra sighed in relief. If Aarti promised something, it was as good as written in gold.

“Amma, Aarti, where are you?”, NK came searching for them. He clambered on to the bed, sitting between Aarti and her mother. “Nannav and the others are coming to see you both. We have to fix the dates for the shagun, sagai, mehendi, sangeet, & haldi.” He smiled happily, his face bright and cheerful.

The Sunflower!, Aarti thought, looking at his dear face. No, My Sunflower. Aarti smiled slightly.

Kamla caressed his cheek, making his smile brighter.

“Amma, may we come in?”, asked Arnav and the whole family.

Aarti & NK got up, and let Naniji, Mami, Khushiji, and Payalji join Amma on the bed.

“Kamlaji, we need to fix the dates for the pre-wedding functions. NK Bitwaa's parents will get here only for the wedding.”, said Naniji, smiling.

“Ji.”, smiled Kamla.

“All our family members will be coming for dinner tonight. Shall we discuss the dates with them, and fix them?”

Kamla & Aarti agreed.

Dinner was a riot. Buaji, Payal’s parents, Baba, Gopi Kakka, Kamla, Naniji, Mamaji & Mamiji, Arnav, Khushi, Akash, Payal, NK, Anand, Anjali, all gathered around the new dining table, laughing at Arnav’s plans for a big family.

Khushi blushed till she could blush no more. Arnav held her hand under the dining table, pressing her fingers.

“Saasumma, laagat he, hamre Arnav Bitwaa plans to keep Khushi Bitiyaa bijji (busy) for the next few years.”, Mami said.

“Acha he, Nandkisore!”, Buaji said. “Lots of kanhaiyyas and radhas running around the house!” She pinched Khushi’s chin. “And it is not just Khushi Bitiyaa. Payaliyaa and Aarti Bitiyaa will also help to fill the house with children. And Anjali Bitiyaa won’t be far behind, Nandkisore!”

Payal, Anjali, and Aarti flushed. Akash & Anand blushed, but NK had no such problems.

“I promise, Buaji! I will try my best to give you lots of Radhas and Nandkisores.”

“I am having so much trouble with one NK….., imagine a house full of them…”, Arnav muttered, smiling, to Akash, who hid his smile.

“You can give us lots of Radhas and Nandkisores, but you must teach them good Hindi, not ghatiyaa Hindi like yours.”, teased Buaji.

“Haan, his Kidney Hindi is hajjardous (hazardous) to his health. And ours.”, agreed Mamiji, laughing.

When dinner was over and all had taken refuge in the living room, Mamaji said, “Shall we fix the dates for the shagun and sagai? We have only one week for all the functions.”

Mami laughed. “Bhy borry (worry) when Raijjadas are here? We can do shagun, sagai, mehendi, sangeet, haldi, & shaadi together, and move on straight to Suhaag Raat, Hello Hi Bye Bye! That is our new phasionwaa (fashion)!”

Aarti heard NK tell her that his Maasi would kidnap her, get her married to him, and stand outside his bedroom door on their suhaag raat to dissuade intruders if she knew that he was desirous of marying Aarti. She smiled at her Sunflower, who smiled back, their minds running along the same lines.

“Shall we have the shagun and sagai tomorrow?”, asked Nani, looking at Kamla & Baba.

Both nodded, smiling.

“Haan, Sasumma, let’s have them tomorrow. But bhere (where)?”

“Shall we have it here in RM?”, asked Arnav, looking at Amma & Gopi Kakka. “Then Amma & Aarti won’t have to travel.”

All nodded, smiling.

Part 86


Nitin came with many albums of photos of various types and themes of decoration, and sat with Aarti to select the one she wanted for the office.

Aarti said, “Nitin, you select the one you like best. Anything you like is OK with me.”

Nitin looked at her with serious eyes.

“You are getting married only once, Madam. Everything should be of your liking. You choose. I will fix it.”

Aarti smiled, and sighing, looked at the photos.

Soon, one by one, all the ladies began to drift into Aarti’s room, attracted by the idea of seeing the albums. Mami, Kamla, Nani, Buaji, Payal, Anjali, & Khushi ended up on her bed, sitting around her, all of them sipping ginger tea and poring over the pictures.

Aarti and Nitin sat back smiling as the ladies fought each other good naturedly over the perfect design for Aarti.

“Let us hab the wedding in a boatwaa inside the auditorium! No body in Delhi bill have seen such a sightwaa! Mrs. Sharma and Mrs. Kashyap will become water-water!”, said Mami.

Anjali sighed, smiling at her Mami.

“Yes, but where will you get water to float the boat, Hai Re Nandkisore! Should we wait till Mrs. Sharma and Mrs. Kashyap become pani pani to start the wedding?”, asked Buaji.

Nitin’s eyes widened.

“This Hawaiian style is beautiful, isn’t it?”, Payaliyaa asked Khushi.

“It is beautiful. The royal Indian theme is also good. All red and gold.”, Khushi mused.

“Shall we make NK Bhai come to the stage on an elephant?”, Payal teased.

“Don’t let him hear this. Or he will say that he wants to get on an elephant!”, said Khushi, anxiously.

All laughed.

They looked at the photos seriously, all silent.

“Why this Kharamoshi?”, asked NK as he walked in to the room.

All giggled. “Khamoshi, NK Bhai.”, smiled Khushi.

NK sat between Kamla and his Khushi Bhabi, putting an arm each around their shoulders, smiling at Aarti and then peering into the albums they were holding.

“Khushi Bhabi, Khushi Bhabi, look at the doolha on the elephant. I want to get on an elephant. Pleeeeeease!”

“Hai Re Nandkisore!”, Buaji hit her forehead with her hand.

Nitin laughed.

As he left, Aarti handed over a slip of paper with her personal invitation to the employees written on it.

He looked at it.

I am getting married to Nandkisore on the 15th of this month at 6pm at our auditorium in our main office. I would be very happy if you and your family came to bless us on this occasion.

My Amma, Kamla Mishra, and Gopi Kakka would be delighted to meet you and your family and introduce you to the groom and his family.

I would like to thank you for the love, respect, and unstinting support you have given me over the last 20 years. Mishra’s wouldn’t be what it is today but for you. And Aarti Mishra wouldn’t be what she is today but for you.



Nitin finished reading the simple missive, and looked at Aarti. As simple a missive as her. He smiled, unable to speak, and left her to get the message printed and personally given to each employee at the earliest.

Ten minutes after Nitin left, Jayesh Bhai came to see her. Aarti introduced the ladies to him. He nodded.

“How are you, Bitiyaa?”

“I am fine, Jayesh Bhai.”

“Does it hurt?”

“Not much. It was a keyhole surgery. So I am as good as normal.”

Jayesh Bhai nodded. He had been in touch with Gopi Kakka.

“I have given the wedding invitation to Nitin to be printed.”

Jayesh Bhai nodded. “He told me. I wanted you to select the decoration for the exterior.” He handed over many pictures to her.

“Jayesh Bhai, you select whatever you want.”, Aarti smiled.

“No, everything should be as you desire. You are not going to get married again, Bitiyaa. So look at the photos and select what you want. If these are not good enough, you tell me what it is that you want. I will write it down, and make some decorator do all of it.”

Aarti protested, smiling.

“Bhy phear when Mami ijj here? I bill select the theme.”, said Mami.

Jayesh Bhai looked at her with wide eyes. Her rich sari, vivid make-up, and Hinglish scared him.

The ladies discussed the merits and demerits of all the designs, till finally, Khushi said smiling, “Jayesh Bhai, our Aartiji loves only sunflowers.”

NK looked at Aarti, who looked away, smiling slightly.

“Haan, Jayesh Bhai. We tried to interest her in roses and jasmine flowers, but she is stuck on sunflowers.”, Payal continued from where Khushi had stopped.

“Sunflowers?”, asked poor Jayesh Bhai.

“Ji. Yellow. Gol gol. Bright, laughing sunflowers.”, Khushi said, looking at NK dressed in a yellow T-shirt and blue jeans, dragging Jayesh Bhai’s attention to the groom who was still smiling at Aarti.

Jatesh Bhai smiled.

“Cheerful, fun-loving sunflowers, all yellow against a blue sky.”, added Payal.

Jayesh Bhai looked at NK who was laughing, being teased by his Maasi and Di. His dimpled chin and cute face made him look like a carefree teenager.

Jayesh Bhai smiled.

All the gifts for the shagun had been purchased and wrapped. The stage for the sagai had been set up by NK, Arnav, Akash, Anand, Gopi Kakka, & Mamaji, the rings had been selected by NK and Aarti with lots of outrageous and impossible suggestions thrown in by the ladies, new clothes had been purchased for everyone……......Everything was ready for the big moment that evening.

Aarti was busy on the phone. NK’s parents were calling her every few minutes to ask her what she wanted them to bring her from Sydney, how the arrangements were progressing, if she was happy, if there was anything she wanted to add to the wedding proceedings, telling her about the friends who were accompanying them to India, how sorry they were that they could reach only a day before the wedding, how they would make up for that by staying for 2 weeks after the wedding, if Kamla was happy with the wedding arrangements, if Kamla liked NK……....

Ironically enough, both NK’s mother and father called her ‘Beta’ out of love. 

Aarti smiled each time they addressed her so. They hadn’t seen her pic even though NK had offered to send them many. They wanted to see her face-to-face. Aarti hoped that they wouldn’t be too disappointed.

After lunch, Arnav quickly dressed to go to his office. Aman needed his help on a project. As he knotted his tie, he looked at Khushi who was watching him, sitting on the bed, her chin in her hand.

“Kya hua, Khushi?”, his husky voice asked.

Khushi shrugged.

Arnav came close to her and kneeled down, his arms around her waist.

“I will be back in 2 hours. The shagun and sagai are in the evening.”

Khushi nodded.

“I will be back soon, long before the function begins.” Arnav said.

Khushi nodded.

Arnav leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Khushi closed her eyes, revelling in the feel of his warm, hard lips on her soft cheek.

“Jaaon?”, he asked, softly.

Khushi swallowed and nodded.

Reluctantly, he tried to rise, to find that he could not.

Khushi was holding on to his tie, her eyes on her hand closed around his tie.

He smiled, gladness rushing through his veins.

She raised her face to his for another kiss, still holding his tie.

Smiling, he kissed her forehead. He lifted his face away from hers and looked into her eyes.

“One more…..”, she whispered. He obliged happily, kissing her cheek.

“One more….., she breathed.

He kissed her chin.

“One more….”

He kissed her lips.


Part 87

Payal, Khushi, & Anjali helped Aarti dress in a golden anarkali for the shagun and sagai. 

Arnav and Akash pushed NK into a sherwani in his favourite golden yellow, and led him down the stairs to the living room that had been decorated with diyas and flowers.

The children from Omkar whistled and cheered when Arnav and Akash led NK down to the living room.

“NK Bhai, you look handsome!”, Vivek said.

“Not bad!”, smiled Chotu.

Nidhi started crying silently, big tears falling silently down her chubby cheeks.

“Bhat happened?”, Mami asked. “Bhy are you crying, Nidhi Baby?”

Nidhi said, “I wanted to marry NK Bhai! But he is marrying somebody else!”, she wailed.

All hid their smiles.

“Acha, bhy do you want to marry NK Bitwaa?”, Mami asked.

“He plays basketball very well. And he drives his car very well. I wanted to marry a good driver.”, Nidhi wept.

“Then you should marry Aarti Bitiyaa, not NK Bitwaa, Hello Hi Bye Bye!”, Mami said. “She dribes (drives) better than him!”

“Acha?”, Nidhi asked, curious about this Aarti who had stolen her driver from her.

“Aur naahin to kaa! I bill do your introduction to her, Nidhi baby. Till then, you eat a laddoo.”

The tears vanished as if by magic. Nidhi bit in to the laddoos that Khushi had made specially for her, and waited to see Aarti, the good driver.

Amma, Nani, Mami, Mama, Gopi Kakka, Baba, the children, Arnav, Akash, NK, Anand, his mother, Buaji, his sisters and their families, Buaji, and Payal’s parents watched as Khushi, Payal, and Anjali led Aarti down the steps. She looked like a princess. Her hair had grown to touch her shoulders, and fell in a straight, healthy, shiny cloud cupping her face, adding character and beauty to it.

Amma looked at her in wonder. How beautiful she was! More importantly, how good she was! How had she been fortunate enough to get such a wonderful daughter who was both son & daughter to her, who made up for every pain she had endured in the last 23 years.....?

Nani, seeing Amma in tears, hugged her.

“Hai Re Nandkisore! How beautiful our Aarti Bitiyaa looks!”, exclaimed Buaji.

Payal’s Amma and Anand’s relations who heard her nodded, smiling at the bride-to-be.

“Saasumma, look at Nk Bitwaa’s phace (face)!”, Mami nudged Nani.

Nani and the other guests looked at NK. He was staring at Aarti with his mouth open, his eyes like saucers.

All the ladies giggled.

“NK Bitwaa, close your mouthwaa! Naahin to housephly (housefly) will go inside it. We are vegetarian!”, Mami teased him loudly.

All laughed. NK and Aarti blushed.

“What can I do, Maasi? Aarti looks so beautiful that I….”, NK stammered.

Aarti lowered her head, trying to avoid the gaze of the guests. Her cheeks were pink.

Arnav whispered in Khushi’s ear, “If this is the way NK is going to go on, he will waste his suhaag raat staring at his wife. I don’t think he will be in a position to do anything else!”

Khushi choked back a laugh. She whispered, “Everyone can’t be Arnav Singh Raizada!”

Arnav looked into her laughing, naughty eyes, both of them reliving their wedding night. Arnav breathed in the fragrance of the jasmine flowers in her hair, the flowers that he grew in his garden for her and gathered daily for her, the flowers that she strung together, sitting in their room while he watched her……. He would never be able to breathe in the perfume of jasmine flowers without thinking of Khushi….He smiled at her loving eyes…It was easier to just admit that he would never be able to breathe without thinking of Khushi.......

NK said, “Nannav, Akash, shall we start the function? Why waste time?”

All laughed.

“Hai Re Nandkisore, somebody is in a big hurry!”, Buaji teased him. “Kyun, Nandkisore, are you catching a plane to Sydney after the sagai?”

“He is scared that Aarti Bitiyaa will fly off!”, laughed Mamaji.

“NK Bhai, nobody is going to steal your Aarti away from you. Relax.”, laughed Anjali.

“Let’s give her the gifts to welcome her into the family, NK Bitwaa. Then you can put the ring on her finger.”, Nani laughed.

“Sabar karo, Babua. Sabar ka phal meeta hota he!”, laughed Shanti, Anand’s mother.

“Phal? Fruit? I don’t want any phal, Aunty! I will just have dinner with all of you.”, poor NK said seriously.

All laughed. Aarti smiled seeing her Amma laugh.

“Kaisen Besabri he ye!”, laughed Mami.

“And Betabi!”, laughed Buaji.

“And Besharami!”, teased Anjali.

“He is so Bekarar!”, laughed Nani.

“I am not Bekar, Naniji.”, NK said.

Akash leaned close to Arnav.

“Bhai, better finish off the shagun and sagai before Aarti decides to make a run for it!”

Arnav nodded, a smile playing on his lips. He looked at Baba and Mama who nodded. It was time.

Khushi, Anjali, Payal, Buaji, and Mami led Aarti to a flower-covered bower, the stage erected in the living room of RM. They seated her on one of the throne-like chairs placed there.

One after the other, the ladies applied a tikka to her and filled her lap with gifts. Khushi, Payal, and Anjali stood by her to stack the gaily wrapped gifts by her side so as to leave her lap and hands free to receive more gifts and blessings. The ladies kissed her forehead and pulled her cheeks, teasing her about NK’s eagerness to be married to her. 

Aarti just sat there, smiling, breathing deep, trying to get used to this huge and loud outpouring of love and good wishes, the laughter, the good-natured teasing…... She looked at her Sunflower. He was laughing at something Akash had said, but his eyes were on her. Her eyelashes fluttered as they tried to hide the feeling of vulnerability, the weakness in her limbs, the heightened heart rate that his look produced….....everytime.

It was time for sagai.

Anand, Arnav, & Akash led NK to take the seat next to hers. Mamaji and Baba came to stand near them.

Amidst fervent prayers, Kamla tied a raksha dhaga on NK’s wrist, and the couple exchanged rings. 

Unused to wearing jewellery, Aarti had selected a slim platinum band with a small diamond as her engagement ring. NK, on the other hand, had selected a broad platinum band with a big diamond as his ring.

As she placed the ring on his finger, he whispered, “Good. I want the whole world to know that I am yours.”

Aarti stared at him.

“You don’t want to tell the world that I am yours?”, she asked softly.

“No.”, he smiled. “I know it. And you know it. That’s enough.”

Part 88

The adults lolled on chairs and sofas and the floor, tired after the shagun and sagai. The children from Omkar and the sons and daughters of Anand’s sisters ran around them, playing and laughing.

Aarti and NK sat close together, holding hands. Khushi was sitting by Arnav, and Payal was leaning against Akash’s arm.

Mamiji had curled her legs under her in her seat. Mamaji sat by her, laughing at something Buaji was saying.

Baba said, “We need to fix the date for the mehendi and sangeet.”

Gopi Kakka sitting near him, nodded.

“Haan.”, agreed Mamaji. We need to pace it in such a way that Aarti Bitiyaa gets lots of rest in between.”

All nodded.

“Today is Saturday. Let us hold the mehendi and sangeet on Monday.”, Arnav suggested.

“Haan, Bhai. If we have Haldi on Wednesday, we can concentrate on the wedding on Thursday.”, said Akash.

“That is a bhery good idea!”, said Mami. “I can go to my isspa (spa) on Tuesday.”

Arnav asked Baba, Amma, & Gopi Kakka, “What do you say?”

“A break between the functions will be good.”, smiled Amma.

Arnav smiled at her.

Baba and Gopi Kakka agreed.

“We will make all the arrangements.”, Arnav said, asking NK, Anand, & Akash to go with him to his study to finalise the caterers, the music, the stage decorations etc.

Aarti sat alone, watching the Sunflower walk away to help his brothers plan their wedding. As he was about to exit the room, NK turned to look at Aarti and caught her looking at him. He winked at her and walked out.

Aarti drew in a deep breath. She looked down at her fingers. Her nails had grown slightly. She played with the fringes of her dupatta, listening to the noisy conversation between the large number of family members sitting around her. She looked at her Amma. She was smiling at something Anandji’s mother was telling her.

Aarti felt a pudgy hand pull at the end of her dupatta. She looked up, startled, to see a small, gap-toothed girl standing near her chair.

Was she lost? Who was she?, Aarti wondered.

“Are you Aarti?”, the child asked.

“Yes.”, Aarti said.

“Can you drive?”

Aarti looked at the child with the missing front teeth, and said softly, “Yes.”

“Will you take me for a drive?”, the child asked, leaning against Aarti’s knee. “I am Nidhi.”

Aarti looked around at the family. All were busy discussing the wedding and planning the mehendi and sangeet.

“If your mother permits.”, Aarti said, wondering which of Anandji’s sisters was this child’s mother.

Nidhi’s face sported a frown. “Mother? My mother? Will Di do? She is our Di Amma.”

Aarti nodded, confused.

“NK Bhai used to take all of us on drives when he and Akash Bhai came to teach us basket ball.”

“Oh!”, said Aarti. “Us?”, she asked.

“All of us at Omkar. After Khushi Di married Arnav Bhaiyya, NK Bhai and Akash Bhai spend Saturday and Sunday with us.”

“Oh!”, Aarti smiled.

“We play basket ball, cards …….hear stories from them…ghost stories….”, Nidhi shuddered in pleasure, slowly crawling onto Aarti’s lap.

Aarti looked at her, motionless and expressionless for a moment, and then held the child loosely and awkwardly, trying to prevent her from falling off her perch.

“I wanted to marry NK Bhai because he is a good driver, but then the Mami with blue eyelids said that I should marry you because you are a better driver.”

Aarti looked at her with wide eyes. Nidhi squirmed, making herself more comfortable on Aarti’s lap.

“But Mami does not know anything. I am a girl, not a boy. How can I marry you?”

Aarti bit her lips to stop smiling.

“Will you teach me to drive?”, Nidhi asked.

Aarti looked into the big, innocent eyes, the floppy hair, the dimpled cheeks, the missing teeth on the cute child for a moment, and then she nodded.

“When?”, Nidhi was eager to learn.

“When you are older.”, said Aarti softly.

“But I want to drive now.”, Nidhi protested. “I want to drive Vivek Bhaiyya to his college so that he does not have to wait for his bus. And take the others to school in the morning. I want to become a driver.”, Nidhi stated.

Aarti looked at the sweet face of the child, and slowly smoothed her hair away from her forehead.

“I will teach you when you are older.”


“Promise. Now you are a child. Play. Dance. Listen to your NK Bhai's stories…...”

Nidhi leaned closer to Aarti to lie aganst her. “I like horror stories the best.”, she confided.

Aarti smiled.

“NK Bhai knows many good ghost stories.”, Nidhi murmured.

Aarti smiled.

Nidhi yawned, and said, cuddling closer to Aarti, “He acts like a ghost, wearing a white bedsheet, and saying ‘Booo’ when we walk by.”

Aarti smiled.

"NK Bhai is great fun.", Nidhi said.

Aarti nodded, agreeing with all her heart.

Nidhi fell asleep on Aarti’s lap.

Part 89

Aarti looked at the plump child sleeping on her lap, Nidhi’s head resting trustingly against her heart, and felt her throat catch.

All alone in this wide, cruel world, but for the protection of Baba and Khushiji....! Not just Nidhi, but 20 children like her...... Khushiji must have been the first orphan Baba had adopted, and now she was their Di Amma and Baba their father......

Aarti ran a loving hand over the child’s hair, ruffling it, enjoying the soft warm feel of it. 

Baba watched her with a slight smile on his face.

NK and Akash entered the living room, Arnav halting at the door to give instructions to HP. 

Khushi saw Nidhi in Aarti’s lap, and wanted to free Aarti of the child’s weight. Aarti had 5 puncture wounds on her stomach area after the surgery. What if holding Nidhi hurt her? 
As the entire family watched, Khushi tried to get up from the chair she had been sitting in for long after a hectic day of running about, and staggered.

All gasped. Many jumped up from their seats, and many hands reached to aid Khushi.

But before anyone could touch Khushi or she could fall, two hands caught hold of her arms, and held her up. NK and Akash helped her to sit down.

“Khushi Bhabi, are you alright?”, Akash and NK asked, their faces pale.

Payal put her arm around Khushi’s shoulder, her anxious eyes on Khushi.

Khushi smiled and nodded.

“Khushi!” Arnav bent over her, breathing harshly, having rushed from the door to her chair.

“I am perfectly fine, Arnavji!”, Khushi downplayed the weakness in her limbs, smiling at the anxious family gathered around her. She turned to NK. “NK Bhai, Aartiji’s wounds must be hurting. Can you take Nidhi from her?”

“Yes, Khushi Bhabi.” NK walked towards Aarti, an anxious look in his eyes.

NK looked at Aarti sitting with Nidhi asleep on her lap. He bent over her and held his arms out for Nidhi. Aarti helped him lift the child on to his broad shoulder.

“Does you wound hurt, Aarti?”, he asked softly.

“Slightly.”, Aarti said.

“Khushi Bhabi was worried Nidhi’s weight would…..”

Aarti smiled. “I am fine.” She walked towards Khushiji to ensure that she was OK.

The family members began bidding the Raizadas a good night and leaving, one family after the other. 

Baba kissed Khushi on the forehead, and whispered in her ear, “Take care, Taarva.” His past and the loss of his wife and unborn child added to the urgency in his voice.

“I will, Baba. I promise.”

Baba nodded.

“I promise, Baba. I will take good care. Nothing bad will happen to me.” Khushi hugged him, laying her ear against his heart.

Baba ran his hand over her head, blessing her and her unborn child. 

Akash took the Sinhas home, and NK drove Baba and the children to Omkar in 2 trips.

Arnav carried Khushi up the stairs to their bedroom as soon as the guests left.

“Arnavji! I can walk!”, Khushi protested, smiling.

“Bhy refujje (refuse) a phree (free) lift?”, asked Mami. “Let your husbaand lift you now, Khushi Bitiyaa.” She shot daggers at Mamaji. “After sometime they will staap (stop) lifting even a phingaar (finger) to help you!”

“Don’t say that, Manno!”, Mamaji protested. “I am ready to lift my finger, hands, and legs to help you!”

Mami winked at Khushi. Payal & Nani giggled.

“Before hamre Akaash Bitwaa was born, I could lift you. Now, after so many years of marriage, your weight and my weak spine will not let me lift you!” Mamaji looked at Khushi. “This is what marriage does to us men! Robs us of our spine!”, He and the others laughed.

Mami pretended to glare at her laughing husband. “Aap to shutuppiya hi kar lo, Ji!”

Arnav carried Khushi into their room, and placed her carefully on their bed.

      (Paayaal, thanx!)

“Khushi, sit here. Don’t set your foot down. Tell me what you want. I will bring it to you here,”, Arnav was dead serious.

“I want to use the bathroom.”, Khushi smiled. “Will you bring it here?”, she teased him.

“No. But I can take you there.”, Arnav smiled slightly.

 He lifted her carefully, and walked to the bathroom, setting her inside the open door. “Call me when you are done.”

He waited for her outside the shut door he had forbidden her to lock for fear that she would fall and he would be unable to get in without breaking the locked door.

Khushi asked for her night clothes. He passed it to her, and stood waiting.

She finally came out, dressed in a white suit with short sleeves, the dupatta draped modestly across her bosom.

Arnav lifted her in his strong arms, and lowered her to lie on the bed. He then pulled her dupatta off and threw it away. He didn’t like anything blocking his view.

Khushi smiled and lay watching Arnavji as he took a set of night clothes from his wardrobe.

“The purple T-shirt….”, she suggested softly. “It makes you look….”, her voice trailed away at the look in his eyes.

He joined her in their bed a few minutes later in his purple top and loose trousers, dimming the lights, and pulling the blanket over both of them.

Khushi curled up against him, her right arm around his waist, her head in the crook of his neck.

“Arnavji, everything went off very well, didn’t it?”, she asked softly.

“Hhmm..” Arnav sighed, signifying relief.

“Now the mehendi and the sangeet.”, said Khushi.

“Khushi, you are not going to do anything strenuous. You are going to sit somewhere and order others to do whatever you want done. The others will do it.”

Khushi smiled at the return of the ASR.

“Had you fallen today……”, Arnav could not even complete the sentence. His fingers fondled the slight bulge where his baby lay under her heart.

“Arnavji, do you think our family will let me fall? That they will let something bad happen to our baby? ”, Khushi asked smiling.

Arnav looked at her smiling face resting against his chest.

“The baby is not just ours. He or she is a part of Nani, Mami, Mamaji, Akash & NK Bhai, Payalji & Aartiji, Di and Anandji, Baba and our children, Amma, Gopi Kakka, Payal’s parents and Buaji….Do you really think they will let something happen to our child? Something that is preventable?” 

“No.”, Arnav had to admit.

“You don’t have to worry over everything, all by yourself. You have brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandmothers, mothers, and fathers to help you.”

Arnav lay silent, hugging Khushi close to him, thinking about her words.

Khushi said softly after a while, “Our child is very lucky, Arnavji.”

Arnav looked at her, a question in his eyes.

“He or she will have you for a father.”

Arnav swallowed. Khushi was dead serious.

“Such a loving, responsible man for a father. Our baby is blessed.”

Arnav couldn’t respond to her words. He just stared at her.

“And such a loving family. Even if something happens to me….”

“Khushi!”, his voice came out all strangled.

Khushi smiled. 

“I am not saying that something will happen to me or us. But, if something happens to us, and our child is left an orphan like we were, he or she will have many people ready to look after it……. Our baby will never have to stand at the gate of the hospital wondering where to go......”

Arnav swallowed hard. He rubbed her back, trying to comfort her, desperately wishing that he could go back and change her past, take away the pain, make everything better, return her parents to her…..

“Our baby will never be left with a failing business or a family to run.”

Arnav nodded.

“Our baby will not have to live like Aartiji did, surviving on her wits, watching her Amma and sister suffering, helpless to get them out of the nightmare.”

Arnav nodded.

“Our baby will always know that we love it.”, Khushi said.

“And that I love you and you love me.”, Arnav whispered. 

He kissed her forehead.

“No arguments, fights, tension in the air, worry about money, arguments over where I have been, no broken promises, no tears running down your face when I fail to turn up for family functions, no gossip among the servants about our failed marriage, no pity from well-wishers, no selling of family property at throw away prices to fund my excesses, no pain, no anguish…….The very air of my house, Khushi…It was tainted with sorrow and disappointment…of broken dreams….My childhood … …Khushi…”

Khushi tightened her arms around Arnav, locking her fingers in his to comfort him.

“I..I never had a childhood, Khushi. Di never had a childhood, Khushi…..But our children will have theirs. A normal childhood….” 

Arnav looked at Khushi, his eyes wet.

Khushi nodded, equally moved.

“Let them be happy….. Our children. Akash & Payal’s children. NK and Aarti’s children. Let them play and laugh together. The walls of this house should echo their laughter, Khushi….Let them live together, face life together. With confidence, knowing that we are there for them, whatever happens.”

Part 90

The day of the mehendi dawned.

Aarti looked on in wonder as all ladies of their extended family, Buaji’s neighbours, Mami’s friends, and older girls from Omkar came to celebrate her mehendi.

A dozen mehendi ladies had been recruited by Anjaliji to cater to the hordes.

Payal and Khushi, both dressed in green saris, led Aarti in a green anarkali with short sleeves to sit in the midst of the crowd. 

The girls pored over books with mehendi designs, selecting some, discarding others, oohing and aahing over pictures in books, laughing at the banter between Mamiji and Buaji, listening to Nani talk about Nanaji……

Aarti listened to all the laughter and the jokes and watched the girls squabbling over designs with a smile on her lips. Amma smiled at her.

“Aartiji, the deeper the colour of the mehendi, the stronger NK Bhai’s love for you.”, said Payal in her ear.

Aarti smiled.

“Then it will be dark red, Payalji!”, Khushi teased. “So dark that it won’t fade from her hands even after the honeymoon!”

Aarti flushed as all laughed.

The men had been banned from the mehendi function. Akash, Anand, & NK were trying to peek at the proceedings from various vantage points. 

Arnav and Mamaji came into the room to see Anand and Akash trying to hoist NK on their shoulders to let him have a glimpse of his beloved.

“What the! What on earth are you doing?”, Arnav asked.

NK sighed, landing on earth. “Nannav!”, he whined. “Naniji and Masi banned us from entering the hall where the function is being held.”

Mamaji laughed. “Mehendi is for women. What do you want to do there among them, you natkhat Nandkisore?”

“I just wanted to see Aarti, Nannav. That’s all.” NK looked as innocent and harmless as he could manage.

Arnav tried to hide his smile. He frowned at Anand and Akash. “And you were helping him!”

Anand and Akash cleared their throats, looking awkward at being caught doing something naughty.

“I expected better of both of you.”, Arnav said, sighing his disappointment.

 Anand and Akash looked at each other, trying to look suitably penitent.

“Bhai…!”, Akash tried to apologise.
“Err…Arnav….”, Akash tried to explain.

Arnav quickly pulled out his phone.

“Payal, can you bring Aarti, Khushi, and Di out of the hall to my bedroom for a moment. I would like to talk to them.”
His tone was businesslike but soft, with a hint  of affection for Payal that his voice always carried when addressing her.

Akash, Anand, and NK looked at each other. Was Arnav going to mock them in front of their wives?

Payal took permission from Nani to take Khushi, Aarti, and Di out of the hall to meet Arnav.

“Chotey asked you to bring them?, Nani asked.

“Maybe he wants to talk to them about the sangeet, Saasumma.”, said Mami.

“After all, he is Payaliyaa and Aarti Bitiyaa’s Jetji, Nandkisore!”, said Buaji, smiling.

Nani nodded.

Payal led the ladies out of the hall, up the steps to Arnav’s bedroom.

On the way, Khushi wondered aloud, “Why does Arnavji want to meet us?”

“I can understand if he calls just you, Khushiji, because we all know that he can’t stay a moment without seeing you.”, Di teased. “But why us?”

All of them laughed while Khushi became red as a tomato.

They reached the bedroom. The door was shut. Payal knocked on the door.

“Come in and close the door after you.”, Arnav instructed from within.

The ladies looked at each other, and slowly entered the room, shutting the door after them.

NK, Arnav, Akash, and Anand were standing in the room, Mamaji having left to talk in peace to someone who had called him on the phone.

The ladies looked at the men. The men looked at the ladies.

“Aarti, NK wanted to 'see' you.”, Arnav said. “He is not permitted to enter the hall. That’s why I called you out.”

All gaped at him.

“Payal, Akash was trying to get a glimpse of you. And Di, Anand Jiju was trying to look at your mehendi.”

The ladies smiled. The men flushed.

Arnav looked at his gorgeous wife in her green silk saree and full-sleeved blouse.


“I am going to the terrace with my wife. To ‘talk’.”, Arnav said with a smirk. “When you have all finished ‘talking’, I suggest you let the ladies go down together.”
Arnav lifted an astonished Khushi in his arms, and walked out.

Near the door, he turned to look at his brothers.
“What did you learn from this?”

“That when we want something done, we should call Payal Bhabi?”, said NK, a confused look on his face.

“That deviousness done in a direct manner always pays rich dividends.”, Arnav smiled.


  1. awww tht was simply adorable
    was laughing reading mami n singing
    imagining Arnav's expression wen NK said he drew mehndi designs for Aarti
    awww loving the bond bween the family

  2. I was waiting and waiting and waiting for the next part and finally found from someone's comment that you'd updated on the blog and I rushed up here :D


    The love from the whole parivaar will definitely heal Amma and Aarti sooner than expected..Love and care does wonders! Aww..she wants to wear that red saree..I love the banter between the three A's and NK!!

    I would love to see Arnav bond a bit more with Aasrthi..I'm looking forward to it and I'm missing my quotient of Anandji too! :D

    Will be back again in the morning ready to stalk the blog now :D

    Btw why is this sudden shift from IF to blog and even Rashmi Di was updating not you???

  3. Love the update. Simply awesome. The bond of love, friendship etc between every one is brilliant.

    Waiting to read more.

  4. I loved the update and your blog! So happy days are here for the Suflower finallyy.

    Srat IF username

  5. awwwww this is soo soo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee awsmeeeee

  6. loved it atlast nk is going to marry yipee

  7. haila thats true they are veterans in organising weddings
    and she really aint in no position to argue either not that she wanted to
    oh god so does that mean that in a months time we fianlly have nk married off waah
    and all of them cming to see amma
    and what was that with mami becoming baba's desciple itne bhi burre din nahin aaye hain inke yaar
    bechare kahan phass gaye hain
    agar mami gayengi toh sab bhag khade ho jayenge
    awwww aarti is gonna wear the first sari she got from her eldest jhethani adorable
    chalo about time this saga of nk and arti reaches its final destination
    which means now all will have their happily ever after

  8. Finally u return. There was something about the past few updates that was just not sitting right. This is u. ( am I making sense?)
    This is just as cute as it gets. Beautiful n sweet. Mamiji cracked me up and poor Baba.
    Aarti is gonna wear khushi's sari and tat is so cute.. Heheheh all occasions done.. Now only pheras

  9. awesome updatee...
    i loved all familys bonding alott...
    al atlast arti can live in peace in rm lolzz :D..
    update soon :)

  10. Aw that was such a beautiful part

    Loved the bonding of both families.
    Especially NK and his lack of drawing skills


  11. aww that was real cute pleased that Aarti seems at ease with it all


  12. amazing update
    loved it

  13. the bromance is so heartening
    i can actually imagine arnav arching his eyebrows and asking NK 'u drew'

  14. as interesting and full of fun as always...their bonding and the love they share is so awesome...

    -mystique_girl on IF

  15. Wonderful! Kamla and Aarti are awake and everyone can now plan her wedding! Yayy!

    Mano singing: I can imagine the response! :)


  16. hai....yesterday i read ur update.....but was not able to comment...i love ur blog.....the romantic paradisr...for hunger bees like us.....part 81 was awesome.....cant even imagine the grandour wedding with my little brain......the wedding planning was superb....n mamijis wish to to start sining with baba was hillarious....thank God for mamaji is still alive.....after hearing his wifes dreadful wish..

  17. Thank u, darlings for your love and support!

    I can't tell you how happy I ma that you liked my story & my blog.

  18. Loved the part # 82. I wonder how Mamaji copes with Mamiji and her wishes and her shoppings.

    1. Hey Smita, can you upload His Smiling Girl on the Blog? I am not getting any updates for it.

  19. Loved part 82.

    They sure can plan a wedding quickly. And it being where Arti works is a nice touch. So glad to see NK get his happiness.

    Eagerly waiting for the next part

    1. A change of venue instead of the usual RM, Omkar, temple, Laxmi Nagar route!

  20. I was wondering why there was no update from your end today and just thought of checking your blog and that's hw I came across part 82. I keep stalking IF have you discontinued there? A beautiful update with all the family enjoying together and making arrangements for the wedding. Can't wait to read about the wedding.

    1. I can't post anything on IF. I can't send any message. There is some takniki kharabi there.

      I can only reply to PMs or quote comments & add mine to them.

      That's why I started the blog. Will be posting other parts only on blog.

      Hope you enjoy the pics & videos I have added.

  21. Loved your update! You have already read my comments?? haven't you! Would like to know when NK's parents are coming and how they react to Aarti. I would like to know Mami's sibling fares, like NK/Mami/normal

    1. You want more characters? Ha..ha..

    2. Aur nahin to kya???
      This mix of seriousness with jest is what has made this FF so popular Smita!

  22. My most adored and beloved lady, are you planning to update before I have a panic attack? I warn you, it is not pretty. There is a lot of hair pulling, and running around in circles banging heads on inanimate and animate objects :p Love you ... Brilliant update, by the way, and I'm so very glad that my girl's got her own space to have fun :D And let us see her true love!

    *pokes out from behind door and hugs tightly before bouncing away smiling happily*

  23. Oh, by the way, this is soho19 from IF :D

    1. I knew it had to be you and only you!!ha!ha!!

    2. *grins cheekily*

      Hehe :p Never changing, babe ... sworn an oath, and now that I have awesomeness like you in my life, I stay right here! :D

      *hugs tightly*

    3. Cheeky Charlie!!! How old are you Kiddo????
      But hug you back anyway!!!!!

    4. Awesome as always, and also slightly breathless ... ok, more than slightly, but you understand where this is coming from. I mean, she can't write endings like that and expect me to keep breathing :p

      Lol. Probably older than I think I sound, but hoping to be a kid at heart always ;) Tsk, tsk, madame, don't you know better than to ask a girl her age?

      *feigns shock and swoons*

      Alright, alright, I'm standing, but it sounded good :D

      24, at your service, m'lady!

      P.S. If I have to prove I'm not a robot one more time, I'm going to dress up in tin and smack my computer, along with my head against the nearest wall. Which is not a good idea. Scratch that. Coming up with something less brain-damaging :D

  24. You updated! Going to read ... love you!

    What was she thinking?!?!?! Where did she go? Where did the thought go? She was perched on his lap, and then??? Grrrr. Evil human being ...

    That was adorable, the way she told Nitin, and his shock and utter joy. Yes, no wonder she wants them there. They are the only ones who protected her all this time, and gave her strength. They survived together, and they need to be there on this special day for her :D Love it!

    Love you too, but very grudgingly ... where's the thought?!?!?!?!? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!


  25. Smita,

    No! No!! No!!! You are absolutely wicked to stop there!!!!

    What are you planning for us . Sleepless nights????
    Imagination on riots????

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ABSOLUTELY, ABSYMALLY WICKED!!!!

    1. I take it back! You were just updating it!!!!!

      To make up for it let me have the honor of saying That was good insinuation but .........
      still you are absolutely, abysmally wickedly sweet!! ha!ha!!ha!!!

    2. Well said rashmi.....not fair at all stooped at the right moment....whyyyyyyyyyy;)???? said by rashmi....still you are absolutely, abysmally wickedly sweet!! ha!ha!!ha!!!

  26. *whistles, pretending unawareness, while blushing profusely*

    You have problems with your computer and net too, woman! Don't sit there laughing at me ...

    *turns red*

    Sooooooo, turns out you DID complete her thought, which I loved, as well as, ahem, someone's unique way of paying attention to said idea, and the frame out of which said idea was coming! Bwaaahahahaha! Loved it ... she's such a darling, and he's, well, going to take a puff from my pump, I'll complete MY thought once I can breathe ...

    P.S. Waiting for that wonderful interpretation, dear darlin' :D

    P.P.S You guys can stop rolling on the floor laughing now ...


    1. I loooove driving u nuts.....I miss the icons on IF. They are so TELLING!

    2. *bursts out laughing*

      You're such an evil human being :D Come now, madame. Your imagination cannot be beat ... I know you see me beginning to melt into a puddle, and then crack my head against the floor when the thought froze :p Then complete melting, then turn red and wonder how to slink out of the room without burning a whole in the floor to escape and risk the wrath of "Mother" on my head. Believe you me, you Moms are scary when you're mad at us about something.


      Sometimes, I think you people take training. You all have that laser glare that all but turns my legs to jelly, no matter what distance you're standing. Of course, your words turn me into jelly much more effectively, but STILL! :D

    3. Lets see kiddo! in another 15 years whether you'll be trained or not!!!

    4. *looks horrified and runs to check in mirror*

      *backs away slowly*

      Nu-unh ... not happenin', no way, no how ... Don't say that!!!

    5. Haven't seen you since two days!!!!
      Kaha ko gaye tum Kiddo!!!!???????????

  27. Smita, that is absolutely wicked. How can you stop at that point? Grrrr....

    Please update the next part soon. We are now facing the sleepless night in the ARHILand.

    The update was absolutely awesome by the way and depicted the relationship between Aarti and her employees beautifully.

    1. Ha...ha..You all wanted ArHi, didn't you? Ab Bhugto! Ha...ha...

  28. Smita yet another fantastic update....but for us you stopped at right moment...not fair at waiting for rashmi's interpretation for 83......:-D

  29. hahahha naught arnav :P
    loved Nitin's reaction :)

  30. hi smitha,
    love all your os and ffs.i keep waiting eagerly for your updates.Keeplng Kushi is fantastic and mind blowing.Love your creativity and characterisation.Your writing style is very unique. eagerly waiting for your next update.The plots and storyline are well thought out.

    1. Thanks a million for finding me here, and for enjoying my works.

      Hope you enjoy the pics & the VMs too.

  31. congratulations on ur blog
    stalk it everyday for updates

  32. hai......
    i just want to ask one thing...y u stopped there??.....Oh was like my fav desert dropped from my hand...while i had just started....n impatiently waiting for another.....( something more delicious) ur next chapter should be started from where the previous ends......pls dont start with a new day....
    i love the ARHI part the most...all other part was awesome...especially Jayesh bhais vow to shave his head in Tirupati temple was highlights the strength of their relation...
    u give us a wonderful update dear.....
    bus ek hi sikayat....u stopd Arhi....moment at wrong place...hmmm

    1. Ha...ha..This is more like Keeping you hungry for more rather than Keeping Khushi!

  33. That is taking the wickedness to new heights Smita. Double Grrr.... :-)))))

    Awesome update. Loved it.

    1. Learnt how to be wicked from Arnav. What to do, what to do?

    2. True, Arnav is very wicked.

      Happy New Year Smita.

  34. What was that? You stopped again in the right moment....grrrrrrrrr? What the..what the what the.........

    Happy that kamalaji,Gopi kaka,...agree to move to RM. very happy for khushi......

    Smita....make the next chapter a little bigger plzzzzzzz....

    1. I assumed Gopi kaka is also that right Smita????? Nice update as usual......remember chapter 85.....we need a maha episode update.....hahahahahahaaaa....can't get enough...all the time ye dil maange more....just want the chapters not to end.... :)

    2. Gopi Kakka is a part & parcel of the Mishra phamily. No doing away with him!

    3. Viji,

      Haven't you heard the concept

  35. again me....just read the 84th can i tolerate....the last sentence..
    “Maybe I should inspect it further. If you lower the tie of your waist, unpin the pleats, then….”
    oh my God........again i have to wait...
    how can u make them so romantic....u r such an amazing creator....i know many of us had told u this many times.....but what to do...i cant resist......
    it was a wonderful update...nk convincing Amma to stay with them...actually their bonding n concerns are so admiring.....
    only a few with divine soul can make such wonderful bondings....
    but im wondering.....if the characters has such amazing,perfect should be the creator??? only if u have a golden heart....u can radiate it to ur characters....
    u amazing dear....amazing!!! not denaying the fact cant i??
    when u introduced us such a romantic can i keep myself sterilized??? n im proudly declaring the fact that im totally Besharam....when im commenting on ur updates..!!!

    1. Besharam Ladki, Use your Imagination!

      Watch the VMs made by wonderful, creative people and melt!!

  36. Smita,

    Once again you are upto your wicked devilish, unscruplous tricks!!! Uhhhhhhhhh!!!!
    Being fiendish aren't we??? Grrrrrrrr!

    Arnav is upto his tricks.....
    So are YOU.....
    Kushi is gullible....
    We are too!!!!!

    Loved the update!

    1. Bhery, bhery fiendish!!!!

    2. You agree!!! Then do something to rectify it!!!

      But don't ask me to interpret!!! ha! Ha! HAAAAAAA!!!!!!

  37. finally kamla has agreed to stay with them good , arnav and khushi session is also sweeet and cute dear

    with love


    1. i am addicted to ur ff ,its my daily dose ,i love the way u potray each emotion ,u r an beautiful writer and plz dnt end it soon and i want to ask a question dnt mind it why r u nt posting ur ff on india forum

    2. There is some technical prob on IF. I can't post any new message or topic. I can scrap. I can reply to comments & PMs.
      That's why I was forced to start a blog. But now that I have started it, I am enjoying this space to store all my crazy writings on Arnav & Khushi.

  38. AAhh the joys of a first pregnancy checking daily to see if the baby has grown,,, Arnav is such a romantic tease,,love him,,,,so sweet tat Kamla ji has agreed to stay as she does not want the brothers to be separated and saw Khushi looking upset.

    1. Arnav is adding to his family. Soon he will have to move into a bigger house!

  39. Ohh was wondering where u were!!! u are here :-)
    i think i ve read most of ur works....but anythin missed glad i can find it here :-)

    Congrats for d blog....i ve to catch up wid d story.. exams goin on..wil do it soon....

    Happy new year!! Have a great yr ahead... <3

    1. Happy New Year to you too!

      Take ur time. The story will be here.

  40. Smita,

    Posted your update in the forum!

    It was good!Had been stalking all this time! Become a teenager!!!
    So Shagun is fixed. Ha!ha!ha!!!! The dining table was hilarious!!!
    Wonder how the'll manage???? HP,OP,JP will have to bring more brothers of theirs for help. In one interview when asked Akshay Dogra (Akash) had said
    there were eleven and a half Prakash brothers he..he..he.. Hope the RM is really big in your story. In the serial it was just one bed room, with a living cum dining cum kitchen with only three walls not four enclosing it!!!! And the AC was always shown but never plugged in coz there were never indicator lights!

    Happy New Year to you too.

  41. Awesome update Smita. Loved it. Glad Shagun and Sagai is fixed.

  42. Smita,
    Awesome update. Not only dining table, kitchen has to expand, he better use anandji to expand his house :). Every gonna be riot...they better bring in all the Prakash brothers.....hehehehe....
    Looking forward to next chapter...

    Happy new year to you!!!! May you keep writing and just spread all the goodness.


    1. It is going to be one mad wedding, especially with NK's parents flying in from Kidney, Mami, Buaji, the children from Omkar, and the crazy, loony Raizadas!

  43. So you have given us one more!
    A New Year Bonanza???!!!!
    Thanks a lot
    and also you have kept up your trademark!
    Romance on the wings!!!!

    Lovely update! but my job is getting difficult. I'll lag behind!!!!

    1. I know you will rise to the occasion, sweetie!

  44. Fantastic new year update..sunflowers and elephant....hahah..awesome

    Cute arhi you always have keep us on the edge always...hmm? ;)....

    Happy new year!!!!!!!

  45. Awesome update. Loved the ARHI moments and Sunflower and Elephants convo was awesome. Loved it very much.

  46. Hello, my sweet dolls ... just popped in to tell you both that I have a couple more exams left, one of them tomorrow, which is why I've been MIA .. sorry? I miss you guys, and I'll be right back to my craziness as soon as THIS craziness leaves me ... Happy, happy, HAPPY New Year to both of you! May it bring true every wish that you have, may you get all that your hoped and prayed for! You deserve all the happiness in the world, and then some!
    Pray for me, and Miss Interpretation, I promise I will be back to read your specials soon. I adore you both! Take care, and keep smiling always!

    *hugs tightly and runs back to books*

    1. Good luck for your exams!

    2. Hi! Missing you Kiddo!
      Good luck for your exams ans wish you a Happy New year too!

  47. Dear Smi,

    Heartiest Congratulations on your new blog......

    Wishing you and your family A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2013...

    May You be blessed with Lots & Lots of Happiness always..........

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Smi,

      I managed to trace your blog through IF

    3. Thank u!

      Wishing u and ur family a wonderful new year!

      So glad u are here. Hoping to read more comments from u daily. (I miss the IF icons!)

  48. really nice dear and a happy new year to you too

  49. That was full of shagun and sagai with lots of fun!
    Enjoyed it Smita!

  50. Smita,
    Todays udpate was wonderful. Congratulations on NK's engagement :D..... Very happy for NK. loveeeee Nidhi darling....i have my own little imagination of this little one. Cutie.
    Aarti will learn to live with NKs hindi. :D.

    I really loved every bit of todays 87.

    1. Gap-toothed Nidhi is a handfull!

      And NK's Hindi! He can write an entire new dictionary!

  51. Dear Smi,

    Awww........Such a cute, beautiful and lovely update .....
    I am drooling and blushing apart from fluttering my eyelids now :))))
    Loved your writing always and you manage to step up the bar with every update of yours...
    Btw, one suggestion, why dont you us to subscribe to your blog vide email.. That way we can get your updates instantly on emails and becomes easier to check your blog and comment

    Best Wishes & Lots of Love always

  52. buddy i cnt find part 77,78 n 79 :'(

    1. It is on the blog, under 60. Keeping Khushi (Parts 71 to 80).


  53. :) This comment is for part 87. I loved it! "I know it, you know it. That's enough!" AWWWWWW The last lines always seems to be such appropriate endings, I love how you write. You leave me waiting to know what happens next, and yet you satisfy me for the day!

  54. Awesome engagement. Loved it. Nidhi is a cutie pie and poor NK. :-) could not understand the teasing by the ladies.

    The last line by NK was very heart-touching.

    Waiting eagerly for next part Smita.

  55. Such a cute update,Nidhi was adorable she is in love with NK, but ladoos pacify her. They are finally engaged and are so in love. Arnav and Khushi reaffirm their love for each other, i hope it stays that way forever..

    1. Arnav aur Khushi hamesha saath rehenge!

  56. Hope your mother is doing well and many thanks to you for continuing to update even during your crunch time. Take care dear.

    Loved todays update Smita. Loooveeeee Nidhi darling, if there is a way, i will adopt her :) :) :) :). Loovee her innocent talks. Apart from her ladoo, NK now Aarti is in her fav. lists. :D.

    Now i see that aarti being the new addition to the family, she will make sure that she will alot a bus\cars for the omkaar kids. The thought itself is awesome.

    1. So glad u liked it.

      Aarti is getting coiled in the lives and likes of her extended family.

  57. That was a lovely update!
    Loved the innocence in Nidhi!

  58. Loved Nidhi and the reason she wants to marry NK. Seems Aarti will arrange for the kids transportation can't wait I read about the wedding...

  59. Awww tht was adorable.
    Nidhi is sooo cute.
    Nice one

  60. Aarti wants Nidhi to have a childhood, & everything that she did not have.

  61. Part 88 was so cute. Love Nidhi and Aarti convo.

  62. hai...ur besharam ladki is back again...i was not able to make comment as my netconnection was under all are solved..but i used to read ur updats from my college...u know,what all efforts i havd paid for it....1st of all...i has to open many new tabs....then the update has to copy from the blog and paste it in the ms word......then i went for reading...
    part 88 was cute...i loved the way nidhi talked with cute...n her intention of becoming a driver...n the factors that lead to that decission was amazing.....the intensity of the relation that force her to think so..even in her childhood....she is much concerned about others...n is very intrested to help lovely....
    n aarti who is not used to such well aclimitizing..

    1. Such hard work to read these parts! I salute you, sweetheart!

  63. Chap 88 was great, the wedding is coming along nicely. Nidhi was adorable with her description of Mami as the lady with blue eyes !!

    Aaati may help Nidhi live her childhood as she would have wanted to...

    Srat IF username

    1. Aarti who has lost her childhood can understand its value.

  64. great updates.. you bring emotions very well

  65. am i the first one to comment on 89!!!!
    okay it was just great as usual....
    wen khushi said... our child will stand at the hospital gate and think where to go... i really cried...
    was fantastic... yu bring out emotions so well....

  66. Smita,

    89 is fantastic as usual. I am sure arnav and khushi are going to wonderful parents. Wish her healthy pregnancy.
    When I read thru the lines where you have nicely portrayed their childhood really moved me to tears...
    I'm sure the family is there to support them. Looking forward to next chapter..

    Should arnav move his room where khushi need not have to climb stairs.?????:)

    1. Good idea!

      But bhy borry when Arnav is there, ever ready to lift her and carry her to his room?

  67. Such a beautiful update....Khushi and Arnav and the whole family need not worry about their children...they will be safe and feel loved.

    Beautiful, brought tears to my eyes!

  68. Such a beautiful update, tear as I read it. Khushi cares for all but they all care for her more than she may ever know. Armav will move the world for her if he could.

    The bedroom conversation was cute, they truly love their baby, who has yet to arrive, but will do anything to give all the children a happy childhood, which they were both deprived off, Baba did a great job with Khushi and so did Nani raising Arnav.

    Srat - IF username

    1. They have been through so much pain, but have become better individuals for it.
      Glad u liked it!

  69. Replies
    1. Typical parent, wanting the best for his children.

  70. That was an extremely cute update.
    Shatir dimaag ASR in full force! Wish you had been in IPKKND team! How many times have I expressed this???

    Loved the update. Now I have to think like Winnie the Pooh tapping my head for the interpretation!

    1. Waiting for ur apt and very interesting interpretation, Rashmi!

    2. Smita,

      How were the interpretations? Counting the blessings and Astuteness???

      Hope you liked it! While writing the counting the blessings. I had a tough time. Every time I read I used to get tears! That update was really poignant, loaded with emotions!

    3. Loved it.

      Truly it was a counting of blessings. And astuteness is very apt.

      Loved reading the interpretations.

  71. Absolutely loved part 89 and 90. Waiting for the Sangeet ceremony.

    1. If mehendi comes, can Sangeet be far behind?

  72. 90 ...that my friend was fantastic.
    ASR'sRazor sharp brain...awesome.....can't wait for 91.... ;)

    1. I waited for ASR to show his brains in IPKKND. Didn't get it. So I thought I would make him sharp!

    2. Hahahahahahaaaa he is indeed sharp. :-)

  73. Arnav using business tactis for pleasure !!

    Srat IF userame

    1. Once a businessman, always a businessman...ha..ha..

  74. Loved it. Thanks for the blog link. The ceremonies before the wedding are so entertaining. Loving it.

  75. arnav and his brain.. fully business man. waiting for next part..

  76. Just beautiful Smita..... i know iam a bit late but i didn't know that u have started updating in ur blog.

    Loved the parts were Aarti tells her staff that she is getting married, loved the parts where the whole Raizada family discovers Aarti and her mother in Mumbai, loved the way u have written the sagai and mehendi...... and especially loved the way Arnav calls everyone of the ladies to his room to meet with their respective hubbies and then carries Khushi off to the terrace.
    I have always said that u r one hell of a wonderful writer, but u seem to evolve with each new story of urs.

    Every occasion is different in all ur stories and so they are all fresh.

    Even the way u write abt parallel characters makes me love all their love stories so much too.

    Way to go Smita.

  77. Smita is there a way to get notifications whenever u update here. I am fairly new to this blog thing so i don't know the procedure. My add is

  78. Hello smita.. i am here after a long time after exams!

    U know i refer u as rajashri productions.. ur writing exactly makes me feel d way a movie like Vivah makes me feel.... wid d evidence of bad in d world of good ppl who are d best possible...n so adorable tht u want ur world to be like tht....

    Those subtle things like Aarti lil uncomfy abt Nidhi she bein uncomfortable wid her womanhood but discovering it...d slight Baba s smile noticing tht...d content of havin a loving family.. d peace tht u ve ppl to stand by u.. al gives such a good flavour to this story! I just love it <3 <3

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. beautiful ff
    read all the parts in 1 day
    loved it
    am so happy to read an ff with everyone so loving and caring and no extra drama
    love all the characters

    update asap
    just cant get enough of your writings


  81. great update dear...i want arnav and khushi's dream to get fulfilled and live happily ever after....continue soon...

  82. okay.. jus finished reading till part 90 !! *Phew*
    buddy.. u r TRULY a gifted writer!!
    mindblowing updates yaar.. sorry yaar .. as i cudnt comment aftr reading each n evry update... cz i ws really xcited to knw wds cming up nxt :)
    update soon hun :)


  83. waiting fr ur updates buddy.......... :(

  84. One hell of an awesome start to end in one go! Loved all the couples especially Arnav-Khushi and NK-Aarti....and aaawww the passion and love between Arnav-Khushi...was just not getting enough of it....beautifully written with all their stories woven nicely into each other.
    - Mel

  85. Hi...smita ....I just love this story of urs...I think m reading first time but I feel like I can read it as long as I can...but m nor able to read next part means 91 ...when m click to next there is chap of ipk pics collection... Pla help na I want to read full story
